
Wwise SDK 2021.1.14
Mastering Suite
  • Plugin ID: 186
  • Class ID: 12189699

Refer to ak.wwise.core.object.setProperty and ak.wwise.core.object.setReference to set properties and references with WAAPI. Also refer to Wwise 프로젝트 쿼리하기 to learn how to query properties and references.


Name 표시명 Type Default 제한 표시 지원되는 RTPC 타입 Link/Unlink 지원
compressorBand1Attack Compressor Attack (Band 1) Real32 0.01 [ 0 , 0.5 ] true None false
compressorBand1Enabled Compressor Band 1 Enabled bool true None true None false
compressorBand1Knee Compressor Knee (Band 1) Real32 0 [ 0 , 20 ] true None false
compressorBand1MakeupGain Compressor Makeup Gain (Band 1) Real32 0 [ -18 , 18 ] true None false
compressorBand1Ratio Compressor Ratio (Band 1) Real32 1 [ 1 , 30 ] true None false
compressorBand1Release Compressor Release (Band 1) Real32 0.1 [ 0 , 5 ] true None false
compressorBand1Threshold Compressor Threshold (Band 1) Real32 0 [ -60 , 0 ] true None false
compressorBand2Attack Compressor Attack (Band 2) Real32 0.01 [ 0 , 0.5 ] true None false
compressorBand2Enabled Compressor Band 2 Enabled bool true None true None false
compressorBand2Knee Compressor Knee (Band 2) Real32 0 [ 0 , 20 ] true None false
compressorBand2MakeupGain Compressor Makeup Gain (Band 2) Real32 0 [ -18 , 18 ] true None false
compressorBand2Ratio Compressor Ratio (Band 2) Real32 1 [ 1 , 30 ] true None false
compressorBand2Release Compressor Release (Band 2) Real32 0.1 [ 0 , 5 ] true None false
compressorBand2Threshold Compressor Threshold (Band 2) Real32 0 [ -60 , 0 ] true None false
compressorBand3Attack Compressor Attack (Band 3) Real32 0.01 [ 0 , 0.5 ] true None false
compressorBand3Enabled Compressor Band 3 Enabled bool true None true None false
compressorBand3Knee Compressor Knee (Band 3) Real32 0 [ 0 , 20 ] true None false
compressorBand3MakeupGain Compressor Makeup Gain (Band 3) Real32 0 [ -18 , 18 ] true None false
compressorBand3Ratio Compressor Ratio (Band 3) Real32 1 [ 1 , 30 ] true None false
compressorBand3Release Compressor Release (Band 3) Real32 0.1 [ 0 , 5 ] true None false
compressorBand3Threshold Compressor Threshold (Band 3) Real32 0 [ -60 , 0 ] true None false
compressorBand4Attack Compressor Attack (Band 4) Real32 0.01 [ 0 , 0.5 ] true None false
compressorBand4Enabled Compressor Band 4 Enabled bool true None true None false
compressorBand4Knee Compressor Knee (Band 4) Real32 0 [ 0 , 20 ] true None false
compressorBand4MakeupGain Compressor Makeup Gain (Band 4) Real32 0 [ -18 , 18 ] true None false
compressorBand4Ratio Compressor Ratio (Band 4) Real32 1 [ 1 , 30 ] true None false
compressorBand4Release Compressor Release (Band 4) Real32 0.1 [ 0 , 5 ] true None false
compressorBand4Threshold Compressor Threshold (Band 4) Real32 0 [ -60 , 0 ] true None false
compressorCrossoverFrequency1 Compressor Crossover Frequency 1 Real32 150 [ 10 , 24000 ] true None false
compressorCrossoverFrequency2 Compressor Crossover Frequency 2 Real32 1000 [ 10 , 24000 ] true None false
compressorCrossoverFrequency3 Compressor Crossover Frequency 3 Real32 6000 [ 10 , 24000 ] true None false
compressorLinkMode Compressor Link Mode int32 1

사용 가능한 값:

Value 표시명
0 No link
1 All channels
2 Partial link

true None false
compressorLinkStereoPairs Compressor Stereo Link bool false None true None false
compressorLinkStrength Compressor Link Strength Real32 0 [ 0 , 100 ] true None false
compressorNumBands Compressor Band Count int32 4 [ 1 , 4 ] true None false
limiterAttack Limiter Attack Real32 0 [ 0 , 2.6 ] true None false
limiterLinkChannels Limiter Channel Link bool true None true None false
limiterMode Limiter 모드 int32 0

사용 가능한 값:

Value 표시명
0 Soft
1 Hard
2 Advanced

true None false
limiterOutputGain Limiter Output Gain Real32 0 [ 0 , 30 ] true None false
limiterRelease Limiter Release Real32 0 [ 0 , 5 ] true None false
limiterThreshold Limiter Threshold Real32 0 [ -30 , 0 ] true None false
masterVolumeChannel1 Master Volume Channel Left Real32 0 [ -100 , 12 ] true None false
masterVolumeChannel10 Master Volume Channel Height Back Left Real32 0 [ -100 , 12 ] true None false
masterVolumeChannel11 Master Volume Channel Height Front Right Real32 0 [ -100 , 12 ] true None false
masterVolumeChannel12 Master Volume Channel Low Frequency Effects Real32 0 [ -100 , 12 ] true None false
masterVolumeChannel2 Master Volume Channel Right Real32 0 [ -100 , 12 ] true None false
masterVolumeChannel3 Master Volume Channel Center Real32 0 [ -100 , 12 ] true None false
masterVolumeChannel4 Master Volume Channel Surround Left Real32 0 [ -100 , 12 ] true None false
masterVolumeChannel5 Master Volume Channel Surround Right Real32 0 [ -100 , 12 ] true None false
masterVolumeChannel6 Master Volume Channel Back Left Real32 0 [ -100 , 12 ] true None false
masterVolumeChannel7 Master Volume Channel Back Right Real32 0 [ -100 , 12 ] true None false
masterVolumeChannel8 Master Volume Channel Height Front Left Real32 0 [ -100 , 12 ] true None false
masterVolumeChannel9 Master Volume Channel Height Front Right Real32 0 [ -100 , 12 ] true None false
moduleEnableCompressor Compressor Module Enabled bool true None true None false
moduleEnableLimiter Limiter Module Enabled bool true None true None false
moduleEnableMasterVolume Master Volume Module Enabled bool true None true None false
moduleEnableParamEQ Param EQ Module Enabled bool true None true None false
paramBand1Enabled Param EQ Band 1 Enabled bool true None true None false
paramBand1FilterMode Param EQ Filter Mode (Band 1) int32 5

사용 가능한 값:

Value 표시명
1 Low pass resonant
2 High pass resonant
3 Peak
4 High shelf
5 Low shelf
6 Low pass one-pole
7 High pass one-pole

true None false
paramBand1Frequency Param EQ Frequency (Band 1) Real32 100 [ 10 , 24000 ] true None false
paramBand1Gain Param EQ Gain (Band 1) Real32 0 [ -20 , 20 ] true None false
paramBand1Resonance Param EQ Resonance (Band 1) Real32 1 [ 0.1 , 12 ] true None false
paramBand2Enabled Param EQ Band 2 Enabled bool true None true None false
paramBand2FilterMode Param EQ Filter Mode (Band 2) int32 3

사용 가능한 값:

Value 표시명
1 Low pass resonant
2 High pass resonant
3 Peak
4 High shelf
5 Low shelf
6 Low pass one-pole
7 High pass one-pole

true None false
paramBand2Frequency Param EQ Frequency (Band 2) Real32 200 [ 10 , 24000 ] true None false
paramBand2Gain Param EQ Gain (Band 2) Real32 0 [ -20 , 20 ] true None false
paramBand2Resonance Param EQ Resonance (Band 2) Real32 1 [ 0.1 , 12 ] true None false
paramBand3Enabled Param EQ Band 3 Enabled bool true None true None false
paramBand3FilterMode Param EQ Filter Mode (Band 3) int32 3

사용 가능한 값:

Value 표시명
1 Low pass resonant
2 High pass resonant
3 Peak
4 High shelf
5 Low shelf
6 Low pass one-pole
7 High pass one-pole

true None false
paramBand3Frequency Param EQ Frequency (Band 3) Real32 500 [ 10 , 24000 ] true None false
paramBand3Gain Param EQ Gain (Band 3) Real32 0 [ -20 , 20 ] true None false
paramBand3Resonance Param EQ Resonance (Band 3) Real32 1 [ 0.1 , 12 ] true None false
paramBand4Enabled Param EQ Band 4 Enabled bool true None true None false
paramBand4FilterMode Param EQ Filter Mode (Band 4) int32 4

사용 가능한 값:

Value 표시명
1 Low pass resonant
2 High pass resonant
3 Peak
4 High shelf
5 Low shelf
6 Low pass one-pole
7 High pass one-pole

true None false
paramBand4Frequency Param EQ Frequency (Band 4) Real32 1000 [ 10 , 24000 ] true None false
paramBand4Gain Param EQ Gain (Band 4) Real32 0 [ -20 , 20 ] true None false
paramBand4Resonance Param EQ Resonance (Band 4) Real32 1 [ 0.1 , 12 ] true None false
paramBand5Enabled Param EQ Band 5 Enabled bool false None true None false
paramBand5FilterMode Param EQ Filter Mode (Band 5) int32 3

사용 가능한 값:

Value 표시명
1 Low pass resonant
2 High pass resonant
3 Peak
4 High shelf
5 Low shelf
6 Low pass one-pole
7 High pass one-pole

true None false
paramBand5Frequency Param EQ Frequency (Band 5) Real32 3000 [ 10 , 24000 ] true None false
paramBand5Gain Param EQ Gain (Band 5) Real32 0 [ -20 , 20 ] true None false
paramBand5Resonance Param EQ Resonance (Band 5) Real32 1 [ 0.1 , 12 ] true None false
paramBand6Enabled Param EQ Band 6 Enabled bool false None true None false
paramBand6FilterMode Param EQ Filter Mode (Band 6) int32 3

사용 가능한 값:

Value 표시명
1 Low pass resonant
2 High pass resonant
3 Peak
4 High shelf
5 Low shelf
6 Low pass one-pole
7 High pass one-pole

true None false
paramBand6Frequency Param EQ Frequency (Band 6) Real32 6000 [ 10 , 24000 ] true None false
paramBand6Gain Param EQ Gain (Band 6) Real32 0 [ -20 , 20 ] true None false
paramBand6Resonance Param EQ Resonance (Band 6) Real32 1 [ 0.1 , 12 ] true None false
paramEqNumBands Param EQ Band Count int32 4 [ 1 , 6 ] true None false

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