
Wwise SDK 2021.1.14
릴리즈 노트 2017.1.5

The following sections list and describe the changes to Wwise between version 2017.1.4 and version 2017.1.5. 이전 버전을 보시려면 이전 버전 릴리즈 노트 를 참고하세요. 온라인 도움말을 참고하실 경우, 목차에서 원하는 Wwise 버전을 선택할 수 있습니다.

플랫폼 SDK 변경 사항

  • Xbox One XDK Updated XDK to 170601 (June 2017 QFE 3)
  • PS4 SDK: Updated SDK to 5.008.041.
  • Mac, iOS, tvOS: Updated to Xcode 9.1

버그 수정

  • WG-34842 Fixed: Drastic changes in speed of sound can cause glitches in Reflect.
  • WG-34954 Fixed: The Reflect Effect Editor cursor order in the graph is confusing.
  • WG-35079 Fixed: The Reflect Effect Editor status of reflections mute/solo is persisted when disconnecting game.
  • WG-35850 Fixed: No cursor displayed in the Reflect Effect Editor curve when the reflections are beyond the Max Distance.
  • WG-35996 Fixed: Potential use of uninitialized memory in Pitch node results in silent or corrupt audio channels in output.
  • WG-36009 Fixed: Effect Bypass on Auxiliary Bus driven by RTPC ignored on bus initialization.
  • WG-36032 Fixed: Live editing of Acoustic Textures does not always work.
  • WG-36076 Fixed: Bad handling of game object data may inject garbage in positioning code.
  • WG-36130 Fixed: ResetRTPCValue() fails when immediately preceded by SetRTPCValue() on an interpolated game parameter.
  • WG-36173 Fixed: Inconsistent 3D positioning in rare cases where the emitter is exactly aligned with the listener's front vector.
  • WG-36176 Fixed: Reflect curve colors inconsistent with those of the authoring tool.
  • WG-36253 Fixed: Reflect Effect Editor refresh issue when image source is moving above and under Max Distance.


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