
Wwise SDK 2021.1.14

◆ TransmissionLoss

AkReal32 AkRoomParams::TransmissionLoss

Level to set when modeling transmission through walls. Transmission is modeled only when the sound emitted enables diffraction and there is no direct line of sight from the emitter to the listener. This transmission loss value is only applied when the listener and the emitter are in different rooms; it is taken as the maximum between the emitter's room's transmission loss value and the listener's room's transmission loss value. If there is geometry in between the listener and the emitter, then the transmission loss value assigned to surfaces hit by the ray between the emitter and listener is also taken into account. The maximum of all the surfaces' transmission loss value (see AkAcousticSurface), and the room's transmission loss value is used to render the transmission path. Valid range: (0.f-1.f)

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