
Wwise SDK 2021.1.14

◆ RegisterOutputDeviceMeteringCallback()

AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::SoundEngine::RegisterOutputDeviceMeteringCallback ( AkOutputDeviceID  in_idOutput,
AkOutputDeviceMeteringCallbackFunc  in_pfnCallback,
AkMeteringFlags  in_eMeteringFlags,
void *  in_pCookie = NULL 

Registers a callback to be called to allow the game to access metering data from any output device. You may use this to monitor loudness as sound leaves the Wwise sound engine by querying the peak, RMS, True Peak and K-weighted power (according to loudness standard ITU BS.1770). See 스피커 매트릭스 콜백을 이용한 고급 믹스 커스텀화 for an example. The callback must be registered once per device shareset ID. Call with in_pfnCallback = NULL to unregister.

  • AK_Success if successful
  • AK_DeviceNotFound if the device is not found
  • AK_InsufficientMemory if there is not enough memory to complete the operation
in_idOutput Output ID, as returned from AddOutput or GetOutputID. You can pass 0 for the main (default) output
in_pfnCallback Callback function.
in_eMeteringFlags Metering flags.
in_pCookie User cookie.

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