
Minigun Details: Sounds

The minigun sounds are divided into three categories:

  • Barrel sounds: The minigun barrel movements are represented by three sounds: “Up”, “Loop,” and “Down”. The “Up” and “Loop” sounds have been integrated into the “Minigun_Barrel_Start” sequence container using a sample accurate transition. The “Down” sound is played when the “Stop_Minigun” Event is triggered.

  • Fire sounds: The minigun discharge sounds are included in the “Fire” Random Container. This container is set to trigger a new fire sound every 0.05 seconds in an infinite loop. The Trigger rate transition option ensures that a new sound is triggered at the frequency defined in the Duration field without interrupting the previously played sounds. A limit of five instances per game object has been set in the Fire sounds Advanced Settings to restrict CPU usage.

    [Note] Note

    The trigger rate is not always rhythmically perfect when the “Fire” container is played back within Wwise when the transport is set to play the original audio files. This happens because original files are streamed from the hard drive. This is a playback limitation within Wwise only; when played back from a game, the timing of each fire sounds is sample accurately perfect and constant.

    You can get better timing from Wwise by unselecting the Original button in the transport. Beforehand, make sure you convert the audio files (select 'Convert All Audio Files...' from the Project menu) as you'll hear nothing otherwise.

  • Shell sounds: The sounds of the minigun’s brass hitting the ground is simulated by five Random Containers set to infinitely trigger a new shell sound every 0.1 seconds. These objects are inserted into a Switch Container to play the right Random Container based on the actual material onto which the shells will fall.

    Note that the frequency of the trigger rate for the shells is slower than the fire rate. This decision was made simply because the slower rate sounded better.

    A limit of five instances per game object has been set in the Shells sounds Advanced Settings to restrict CPU usage.

  • Using MIDI: For optimal precision, you can use MIDI to achieve a sample-accurate trigger rate. However, this is an advanced option and requires use of the SDK. For more information, refer to Simulating Rapid Gunfire.

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