
Further Resources

This sample project gives an overview of how typical audio structure for game can be built in Wwise. If you want to learn more about Wwise, we suggest you take a look at the following resources

  • Cube Project - Also available from the Audiokinetic Launcher, Cube is a first person shooter game. Although the game is old and not so great looking, the interest comes from the fact that it contains a few sound Events that can be easily customized. Real-time mixing and profiling is also easily achieved which makes it pretty close to the workflow of working on a game production.

  • Video Tutorials - Video tutorial are available for all users in the community section of our website. They are also available on AudiokineticWwise's YouTube channel.

  • Wwise Certification - The Wwise Certification online courses offer several programs for learning Wwise fundamentals and advanced specialized topics.

[Note] Note

Materials sent by content providers were all originally high quality (48 kHz, 16 or 24 bits). However, to save download time and disk space, we have reduced the size of some of the sound assets.

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