
Wwise SDK 2021.1.14
Documenting your Plug-in Properties

When creating a new plug-in, the Wwise Property Help view allows you to inform the user about the plug-in's properties: their meaning, default value, range, units, and how to use them. The Property Help view displays the help entry for the last selected property within Wwise. If your plug-in provides a documentation file for a specific property, each time this property is selected, its help will be automatically displayed.

Within Wwise directory, property documentation files can be found in <Wwise>/Authoring/Data/Plugins/<plugin_name>/Html/<language>/PropertyName.html.

The Html folder can contain several folders with property help files for different languages. To change the documentation language displayed in Wwise, from the menu bar, click Help > Documentation Language. Supported language codes (<language>) are:

en English
ko Korean
zh Mandarin
ja Japanese

Building the Property Help Files

Property help documentation source files must be located in <PluginProject>/WwisePlugin/res/Md/<language>/PropertyName.md, one file per property.

The text in these files is in Markdown format, which will be converted to HTML by the wp.py development tool. For more detail about development tools, refer to 개발 도구 사용하기. Any markdown styles, such as bold emphasis, list block or hyperlink, can be used to format the help message.

참고: To build the Property Help documentation, install these two Python dependencies:
pip install markdown
pip install jinja2

Use wp.py to build the Wwise Property Help files for the plug-in:

python "%WWISEROOT%/Scripts/Build/Plugins/wp.py" build Documentation

This command will perform the Markdown to HTML conversion and will save the resulting files in the appropriate Wwise directory.


The following is an example of the Help file for a Cutoff Frequency Parameter property and its result in the Property Help view of Wwise:

##Cutoff Frequency Parameter

Set the cutoff frequency of the filter.

For more **information** about lowpass filter theory, refer to [lowpass filter on wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-pass_filter).

Range: 20 - 20000 <br/>
Units: Hz <br/>

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