
Wwise Unity Integration Documentation

This will call AkSoundEngine.SetState() whenever the selected Unity event is triggered. For example this component could be set on a Unity collider to trigger when an object enters it. 더 자세히 ...

AkDragDropTriggerHandler, AK.Wwise.IMigratable를(을) 상속했습니다.

Public 속성

System.Collections.Generic.List< int >  triggerList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { START_TRIGGER_ID }
  List containing the enabled triggers. 더 자세히 ...
bool  useOtherObject = false
  This property is usefull only when used with colliders. When enabled, the target of the action will be the other colliding object. When disabled, it will be the current object. 더 자세히 ...

정적 Public 속성

const int  MAX_NB_TRIGGERS = 32
  Since our mask is a 32 bits integer, we can't have more than 32 triggers 더 자세히 ...
static System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary< uint, string >  triggerTypes = AkTriggerBase.GetAllDerivedTypes()
  Will contain the types of all the triggers derived from AkTriggerBase at runtime 더 자세히 ...

상세한 설명

This will call AkSoundEngine.SetState() whenever the selected Unity event is triggered. For example this component could be set on a Unity collider to trigger when an object enters it.


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