
Wwise SDK 2021.1.14
AkSortedKeyArray< T_KEY, T_ITEM, U_POOL, U_KEY, TGrowBy, TMovePolicy, TComparePolicy > 클래스 템플릿 참조

#include <AkKeyArray.h>

AkSortedKeyArray< T_KEY, T_ITEM, U_POOL, U_KEY, TGrowBy, TMovePolicy, TComparePolicy >에 대한 상속 다이어그램 :
AkArray< T_ITEM, const T_ITEM &, U_POOL, AkGrowByPolicy_DEFAULT, AkAssignmentMovePolicy< T_ITEM > >

Public 멤버 함수

AkForceInline bool  Lesser (T_KEY &a, T_KEY &b) const
AkForceInline bool  Equal (T_KEY &a, T_KEY &b) const
T_ITEM *  Exists (T_KEY in_key) const
T_ITEM *  Add (T_KEY in_key)
T_ITEM *  AddNoSetKey (T_KEY in_key)
T_ITEM *  Set (T_KEY in_key)
T_ITEM *  Set (T_KEY in_key, bool &out_bExists)
bool  Unset (T_KEY in_key)
void  Reorder (T_KEY in_OldKey, T_KEY in_NewKey, const T_ITEM &in_item)
void  ReSortArray ()
T_ITEM *  BinarySearch (T_KEY in_key, bool &out_bFound) const
AkForceInline void  Swap (T_ITEM *in_ItemA, T_ITEM *in_ItemB)
- AkArray< T_ITEM, const T_ITEM &, U_POOL, AkGrowByPolicy_DEFAULT, AkAssignmentMovePolicy< T_ITEM > >(으)로부터 상속된 Public 멤버 함수
  AkArray ()
  Constructor 더 자세히 ...
  ~AkArray ()
  Destructor 더 자세히 ...
Iterator  Begin () const
  Returns the iterator to the first item of the array, will be End() if the array is empty. 더 자세히 ...
Iterator  End () const
  Returns the iterator to the end of the array 더 자세히 ...
Iterator  FindEx (const T_ITEM & in_Item) const
  Returns the iterator th the specified item, will be End() if the item is not found 더 자세히 ...
Iterator  BinarySearch (const T_ITEM & in_Item) const
Iterator  Erase (Iterator &in_rIter)
  Erase the specified iterator from the array 더 자세히 ...
void  Erase (unsigned int in_uIndex)
  Erase the item at the specified index 더 자세히 ...
Iterator  EraseSwap (Iterator &in_rIter)
void  EraseSwap (unsigned int in_uIndex)
bool  IsGrowingAllowed ()
AKRESULT  Reserve (AkUInt32 in_ulReserve)
  Pre-Allocate a number of spaces in the array 더 자세히 ...
AkUInt32  Reserved () const
void  Term ()
  Term the array. Must be called before destroying the object. 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline AkUInt32  Length () const
  Returns the numbers of items in the array. 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline T_ITEM *  Data () const
  Returns a pointer to the first item in the array. 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline bool  IsEmpty () const
  Returns true if the number items in the array is 0, false otherwise. 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline T_ITEM *  Exists (const T_ITEM & in_Item) const
  Returns a pointer to the specified item in the list if it exists, 0 if not found. 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline T_ITEM *  AddLast ()
AkForceInline T_ITEM *  AddLast (const T_ITEM & in_rItem)
  Add an item in the array, and fills it with the provided item. 더 자세히 ...
T_ITEM &  Last ()
  Returns a reference to the last item in the array. 더 자세히 ...
void  RemoveLast ()
  Removes the last item from the array. 더 자세히 ...
AKRESULT  Remove (const T_ITEM & in_rItem)
  Removes the specified item if found in the array. 더 자세히 ...
AKRESULT  RemoveSwap (const T_ITEM & in_rItem)
void  RemoveAll ()
  Removes all items in the array 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline T_ITEM &  operator[] (unsigned int uiIndex) const
  Operator [], return a reference to the specified index. 더 자세히 ...
T_ITEM *  Insert (unsigned int in_uIndex)
bool  GrowArray ()
bool  GrowArray (AkUInt32 in_uGrowBy)
  Resize the array. 더 자세히 ...
bool  Resize (AkUInt32 in_uiSize)
  Resize the array to the specified size. 더 자세히 ...
void  Transfer (AkArray< T_ITEM, const T_ITEM &, U_POOL, AkGrowByPolicy_DEFAULT, AkAssignmentMovePolicy< T_ITEM > > &in_rSource)
AKRESULT  Copy (const AkArray< T_ITEM, const T_ITEM &, U_POOL, AkGrowByPolicy_DEFAULT, AkAssignmentMovePolicy< T_ITEM > > &in_rSource)

추가로 상속된 멤버들

- AkArray< T_ITEM, const T_ITEM &, U_POOL, AkGrowByPolicy_DEFAULT, AkAssignmentMovePolicy< T_ITEM > >(으)로부터 상속된 Protected 속성
T_ITEM *  m_pItems
  pointer to the beginning of the array. 더 자세히 ...
AkUInt32  m_uLength
  number of items in the array. 더 자세히 ...
AkUInt32  m_ulReserved
  how many we can have at most (currently allocated). 더 자세히 ...

상세한 설명

template<class T_KEY, class T_ITEM, class U_POOL, class U_KEY = AkGetArrayKey< T_KEY, T_ITEM >, class TGrowBy = AkGrowByPolicy_DEFAULT, class TMovePolicy = AkAssignmentMovePolicy<T_ITEM>, class TComparePolicy = AkDefaultSortedKeyCompare<T_KEY>>
class AkSortedKeyArray< T_KEY, T_ITEM, U_POOL, U_KEY, TGrowBy, TMovePolicy, TComparePolicy >

Array of items, sorted by key. Uses binary search for lookups. BEWARE WHEN MODIFYING THE ARRAY USING BASE CLASS METHODS.

AkKeyArray.h 파일의 184 번째 라인에서 정의되었습니다.

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