
Building the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy

The Actor-Mixer Hierarchy is where sound assets are organized in the project.

For the Cube project, the following audio structure was created:

  • In the "Main" folder, four actor-mixers were created to group sounds into logical categories: Characters, Items, Monsters, and Weapons.

  • Within the actor-mixers, a series of random and switch containers were used to add variety and distinctiveness to the sounds in the project.

  • Randomizers were applied to the volume and pitch properties for some weapons and footsteps. The Randomizer randomly modifies the property values of the object each time it is played.

  • All sounds within the "Main" folder are 3D sounds that use Game-defined positioning with a standard distance-based attenuation on volume.

  • In the "Maps" folder, there are sounds, voices, and music specifically related to the map "dcp_the_core". All voices and music within this map are 2D sounds that are streamed from the hard drive.

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