Wwise SDK 2019.2.15
이 파일의 문서화 페이지로 가기
1 /*******************************************************************************
2 The content of this file includes portions of the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
3 released in source code form as part of the SDK installer package.
5 Commercial License Usage
7 Licensees holding valid commercial licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
8 may use this file in accordance with the end user license agreement provided
9 with the software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a
10 written agreement between you and Audiokinetic Inc.
12 Apache License Usage
14 Alternatively, this file may be used under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
15 "Apache License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
16 Apache License. You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
17 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
19 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
20 under the Apache License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES
21 OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for
22 the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
24  Version: <VERSION> Build: <BUILDNUMBER>
25  Copyright (c) <COPYRIGHTYEAR> Audiokinetic Inc.
26 *******************************************************************************/
28 #ifndef _AKARRAY_H
29 #define _AKARRAY_H
35 template <AkMemID T_MEMID>
37 {
38  AkForceInline void * Alloc( size_t in_uSize )
39  {
40  return AkAlloc(T_MEMID, in_uSize);
41  }
43  AkForceInline void * ReAlloc( void * in_pCurrent, size_t in_uOldSize, size_t in_uNewSize )
44  {
45  return AkRealloc(T_MEMID, in_pCurrent, in_uNewSize);
46  }
48  AkForceInline void Free( void * in_pAddress )
49  {
50  AkFree(T_MEMID, in_pAddress);
51  }
53  AkForceInline void TransferMem(void *& io_pDest, AkArrayAllocatorNoAlign<T_MEMID> in_srcAlloc, void * in_pSrc )
54  {
55  io_pDest = in_pSrc;
56  }
57 };
59 template <AkMemID T_MEMID>
61 {
62  AkForceInline void * Alloc( size_t in_uSize )
63  {
64  return AkMalign(T_MEMID, in_uSize, AK_SIMD_ALIGNMENT);
65  }
67  AkForceInline void * ReAlloc(void * in_pCurrent, size_t in_uOldSize, size_t in_uNewSize)
68  {
69  void* pNew = Alloc(in_uNewSize);
70  if (pNew && in_pCurrent)
71  {
72  AKPLATFORM::AkMemCpy(pNew, in_pCurrent, (AkUInt32)in_uOldSize);
73  Free(in_pCurrent);
74  }
75  return pNew;
76  }
78  AkForceInline void Free( void * in_pAddress )
79  {
80  AkFalign(T_MEMID, in_pAddress);
81  }
83  AkForceInline void TransferMem(void *& io_pDest, AkArrayAllocatorAlignedSimd<T_MEMID> in_srcAlloc, void * in_pSrc )
84  {
85  io_pDest = in_pSrc;
86  }
88 };
90 // AkHybridAllocator
91 // Attempts to allocate from a small buffer of size uBufferSizeBytes, which is contained within the array type. Useful if the array is expected to contain a small number of elements.
92 // If the array grows to a larger size than uBufferSizeBytes, the the memory is allocated with the specified AkMemID.
93 // NOTE: only use with types that are trivially copyable.
94 template< AkUInt32 uBufferSizeBytes, AkUInt8 uAlignmentSize = AK_OS_STRUCT_ALIGN, AkMemID T_MEMID = AkMemID_Object>
96 {
97  static const AkUInt32 _uBufferSizeBytes = uBufferSizeBytes;
99  AkForceInline void * Alloc(size_t in_uSize)
100  {
101  if (in_uSize <= uBufferSizeBytes)
102  return (void *)&m_buffer;
103  else
104  return AkMalign(T_MEMID, in_uSize, uAlignmentSize);
105  }
107  AkForceInline void * ReAlloc( void * in_pCurrent, size_t in_uOldSize, size_t in_uNewSize )
108  {
109  void* pNew = Alloc(in_uNewSize);
110  if (pNew != in_pCurrent && pNew && in_pCurrent)
111  {
112  AKPLATFORM::AkMemCpy(pNew, in_pCurrent, (AkUInt32)in_uOldSize);
113  Free(in_pCurrent);
114  }
115  return pNew;
116  }
118  AkForceInline void Free(void * in_pAddress)
119  {
120  if (&m_buffer != in_pAddress)
121  AkFalign(T_MEMID, in_pAddress);
122  }
125  {
126  if (&in_srcAlloc.m_buffer == in_pSrc)
127  {
128  AKPLATFORM::AkMemCpy(m_buffer, in_srcAlloc.m_buffer, uBufferSizeBytes);
129  io_pDest = m_buffer;
130  }
131  else
132  {
133  io_pDest = in_pSrc;
134  }
135  }
137  AK_ALIGN(char m_buffer[uBufferSizeBytes], uAlignmentSize);
138 };
140 template <class T>
142 {
143  // By default the assignment operator is invoked to move elements of an array from slot to slot. If desired,
144  // a custom 'Move' operation can be passed into TMovePolicy to transfer ownership of resources from in_Src to in_Dest.
145  static AkForceInline void Move( T& in_Dest, T& in_Src )
146  {
147  in_Dest = in_Src;
148  }
150  static AkForceInline bool IsTrivial()
151  {
152  return true;
153  }
154 };
156 // Can be used as TMovePolicy to create arrays of arrays.
157 template <class T>
159 {
160  static AkForceInline void Move( T& in_Dest, T& in_Src )
161  {
162  in_Dest.Transfer(in_Src); //transfer ownership of resources.
163  }
165  static AkForceInline bool IsTrivial()
166  {
167  return false;
168  }
169 };
171 // Common allocators:
177 {
178  static AkUInt32 GrowBy( AkUInt32 /*in_CurrentArraySize*/ ) { return 1; }
179 };
182 {
183  static AkUInt32 GrowBy( AkUInt32 /*in_CurrentArraySize*/ ) { return 0; }
184 };
187 {
188  static AkUInt32 GrowBy( AkUInt32 in_CurrentArraySize )
189  {
190  if ( in_CurrentArraySize == 0 )
191  return 1;
192  else
193  return in_CurrentArraySize + ( in_CurrentArraySize >> 1 );
194  }
195 };
197 //#define AkGrowByPolicy_DEFAULT AkGrowByPolicy_Legacy
198 #define AkGrowByPolicy_DEFAULT AkGrowByPolicy_Proportional
200 /// Specific implementation of array
201 template <class T, class ARG_T, class TAlloc = ArrayPoolDefault, class TGrowBy = AkGrowByPolicy_DEFAULT, class TMovePolicy = AkAssignmentMovePolicy<T> > class AkArray : public TAlloc
202 {
203 public:
204  /// Constructor
206  : m_pItems( 0 )
207  , m_uLength( 0 )
208  , m_ulReserved( 0 )
209  {
210  }
212  /// Destructor
214  {
215  AKASSERT( m_pItems == 0 );
216  AKASSERT( m_uLength == 0 );
217  AKASSERT( m_ulReserved == 0 );
218  }
220 // Workaround for SWIG to parse nested structure:
221 // Bypass this inner struct and use a proxy in a separate header.
222 #ifndef SWIG
223  /// Iterator
224  struct Iterator
225  {
226  T* pItem; ///< Pointer to the item in the array.
228  /// + operator</span>
230  {
231  AKASSERT( pItem );
232  Iterator returnedIt;
233  returnedIt.pItem = pItem + inc;
234  return returnedIt;
235  }
237  /// - operator</span>
238  AkUInt32 operator-(Iterator const& rhs) const
239  {
240  AKASSERT((pItem && rhs.pItem)||(!pItem && !rhs.pItem));
241  return (AkUInt32)(pItem - rhs.pItem);
242  }
244  /// ++ operator</span>
246  {
247  AKASSERT( pItem );
248  ++pItem;
249  return *this;
250  }
252  /// -- operator</span>
254  {
255  AKASSERT( pItem );
256  --pItem;
257  return *this;
258  }
260  /// * operator</span>
262  {
263  AKASSERT( pItem );
264  return *pItem;
265  }
267  /// == operator</span>
268  bool operator ==( const Iterator& in_rOp ) const
269  {
270  return ( pItem == in_rOp.pItem );
271  }
273  /// != operator</span>
274  bool operator !=( const Iterator& in_rOp ) const
275  {
276  return ( pItem != in_rOp.pItem );
277  }
278  };
279 #endif // #ifndef SWIG
281  /// Returns the iterator to the first item of the array, will be End() if the array is empty.
282  Iterator Begin() const
283  {
284  Iterator returnedIt;
285  returnedIt.pItem = m_pItems;
286  return returnedIt;
287  }
289  /// Returns the iterator to the end of the array
290  Iterator End() const
291  {
292  Iterator returnedIt;
293  returnedIt.pItem = m_pItems + m_uLength;
294  return returnedIt;
295  }
297  /// Returns the iterator th the specified item, will be End() if the item is not found
298  Iterator FindEx( ARG_T in_Item ) const
299  {
300  Iterator it = Begin();
302  for ( Iterator itEnd = End(); it != itEnd; ++it )
303  {
304  if ( *it == in_Item )
305  break;
306  }
308  return it;
309  }
311  /// Returns the iterator of the specified item, will be End() if the item is not found
312  /// The array must be in ascending sorted order.
313  Iterator BinarySearch( ARG_T in_Item ) const
314  {
315  AkUInt32 uNumToSearch = Length();
316  T* pBase = m_pItems;
317  T* pPivot;
319  while ( uNumToSearch > 0 )
320  {
321  pPivot = pBase + ( uNumToSearch >> 1 );
322  if ( in_Item == *pPivot )
323  {
324  Iterator result;
325  result.pItem = pPivot;
326  return result;
327  }
329  if ( in_Item > *pPivot )
330  {
331  pBase = pPivot + 1;
332  uNumToSearch--;
333  }
334  uNumToSearch >>= 1;
335  }
337  return End();
338  }
340  /// Erase the specified iterator from the array
341  Iterator Erase( Iterator& in_rIter )
342  {
343  AKASSERT( m_pItems != 0 );
345  // Move items by 1
347  T * pItemLast = m_pItems + m_uLength - 1;
349  for ( T * pItem = in_rIter.pItem; pItem < pItemLast; pItem++ )
350  TMovePolicy::Move( pItem[ 0 ], pItem[ 1 ] );
352  // Destroy the last item
354  pItemLast->~T();
356  m_uLength--;
358  return in_rIter;
359  }
361  /// Erase the item at the specified index
362  void Erase( unsigned int in_uIndex )
363  {
364  AKASSERT( m_pItems != 0 );
366  // Move items by 1
368  T * pItemLast = m_pItems + m_uLength - 1;
370  for ( T * pItem = m_pItems+in_uIndex; pItem < pItemLast; pItem++ )
371  TMovePolicy::Move( pItem[ 0 ], pItem[ 1 ] );
373  // Destroy the last item
375  pItemLast->~T();
377  m_uLength--;
378  }
380  /// Erase the specified iterator in the array. but it dos not guarantee the ordering in the array.
381  /// This version should be used only when the order in the array is not an issue.
382  Iterator EraseSwap( Iterator& in_rIter )
383  {
384  AKASSERT( m_pItems != 0 );
386  if ( Length( ) > 1 )
387  {
388  // Swap last item with this one.
389  TMovePolicy::Move( *in_rIter.pItem, Last( ) );
390  }
392  // Destroy.
393  AKASSERT( Length( ) > 0 );
394  Last( ).~T();
396  m_uLength--;
398  return in_rIter;
399  }
402  {
403  return TGrowBy::GrowBy( 1 ) != 0;
404  }
406  /// Pre-Allocate a number of spaces in the array
407  AKRESULT Reserve( AkUInt32 in_ulReserve )
408  {
409  AKASSERT( m_pItems == 0 && m_uLength == 0 );
410  AKASSERT( in_ulReserve || IsGrowingAllowed() );
412  if ( in_ulReserve )
413  {
414  m_pItems = (T *) TAlloc::Alloc( sizeof( T ) * in_ulReserve );
415  if ( m_pItems == 0 )
416  return AK_InsufficientMemory;
418  m_ulReserved = in_ulReserve;
419  }
421  return AK_Success;
422  }
424  AkUInt32 Reserved() const { return m_ulReserved; }
426  /// Term the array. Must be called before destroying the object.
427  void Term()
428  {
429  if ( m_pItems )
430  {
431  RemoveAll();
433  m_pItems = 0;
434  m_ulReserved = 0;
435  }
436  }
438  /// Returns the numbers of items in the array.
440  {
441  return m_uLength;
442  }
444  /// Returns a pointer to the first item in the array.
445  AkForceInline T * Data() const
446  {
447  return m_pItems;
448  }
450  /// Returns true if the number items in the array is 0, false otherwise.
451  AkForceInline bool IsEmpty() const
452  {
453  return m_uLength == 0;
454  }
456  /// Returns a pointer to the specified item in the list if it exists, 0 if not found.
457  AkForceInline T* Exists(ARG_T in_Item) const
458  {
459  Iterator it = FindEx( in_Item );
460  return ( it != End() ) ? it.pItem : 0;
461  }
463  /// Add an item in the array, without filling it.
464  /// Returns a pointer to the location to be filled.
466  {
467  size_t cItems = Length();
469 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
470 #pragma warning( push )
471 #pragma warning( disable : 4127 )
472 #endif
473  if ( ( cItems >= m_ulReserved ) && IsGrowingAllowed() )
474  {
475  if ( !GrowArray() )
476  return 0;
477  }
478 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
479 #pragma warning( pop )
480 #endif
482  // have we got space for a new one ?
483  if( cItems < m_ulReserved )
484  {
485  T * pEnd = m_pItems + m_uLength++;
486  AkPlacementNew( pEnd ) T;
487  return pEnd;
488  }
490  return 0;
491  }
493  /// Add an item in the array, and fills it with the provided item.
494  AkForceInline T * AddLast(ARG_T in_rItem)
495  {
496  T * pItem = AddLast();
497  if ( pItem )
498  *pItem = in_rItem;
499  return pItem;
500  }
502  /// Returns a reference to the last item in the array.
503  T& Last()
504  {
505  AKASSERT( m_uLength );
507  return *( m_pItems + m_uLength - 1 );
508  }
510  /// Removes the last item from the array.
511  void RemoveLast()
512  {
513  AKASSERT( m_uLength );
514  ( m_pItems + m_uLength - 1 )->~T();
515  m_uLength--;
516  }
518  /// Removes the specified item if found in the array.
519  AKRESULT Remove(ARG_T in_rItem)
520  {
521  Iterator it = FindEx( in_rItem );
522  if ( it != End() )
523  {
524  Erase( it );
525  return AK_Success;
526  }
528  return AK_Fail;
529  }
531  /// Fast remove of the specified item in the array.
532  /// This method do not guarantee keeping ordering of the array.
533  AKRESULT RemoveSwap(ARG_T in_rItem)
534  {
535  Iterator it = FindEx( in_rItem );
536  if ( it != End() )
537  {
538  EraseSwap( it );
539  return AK_Success;
540  }
542  return AK_Fail;
543  }
545  /// Removes all items in the array
546  void RemoveAll()
547  {
548  for ( Iterator it = Begin(), itEnd = End(); it != itEnd; ++it )
549  (*it).~T();
550  m_uLength = 0;
551  }
553  /// Operator [], return a reference to the specified index.
554  AkForceInline T& operator[](unsigned int uiIndex) const
555  {
556  AKASSERT( m_pItems );
557  AKASSERT( uiIndex < Length() );
558  return m_pItems[uiIndex];
559  }
561  /// Insert an item at the specified position without filling it.
562  /// Returns the pointer to the item to be filled.
563  T * Insert(unsigned int in_uIndex)
564  {
565  AKASSERT( in_uIndex <= Length() );
567  size_t cItems = Length();
569 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
570 #pragma warning( push )
571 #pragma warning( disable : 4127 )
572 #endif
573  if ( ( cItems >= m_ulReserved ) && IsGrowingAllowed() )
574  {
575  if ( !GrowArray() )
576  return 0;
577  }
578 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
579 #pragma warning( pop )
580 #endif
582  // have we got space for a new one ?
583  if( cItems < m_ulReserved )
584  {
585  T * pItemLast = m_pItems + m_uLength++;
586  AkPlacementNew( pItemLast ) T;
588  // Move items by 1
590  for ( T * pItem = pItemLast; pItem > ( m_pItems + in_uIndex ); --pItem )
591  TMovePolicy::Move( pItem[ 0 ], pItem[ -1 ] );
593  // Reinitialize item at index
595  ( m_pItems + in_uIndex )->~T();
596  AkPlacementNew( m_pItems + in_uIndex ) T;
598  return m_pItems + in_uIndex;
599  }
601  return 0;
602  }
604  bool GrowArray()
605  {
606  // If no size specified, growing by the declared growth policy of the array.
607  return GrowArray( TGrowBy::GrowBy( m_ulReserved ) );
608  }
610  /// Resize the array.
611  bool GrowArray( AkUInt32 in_uGrowBy )
612  {
613  AKASSERT( in_uGrowBy );
615  AkUInt32 ulNewReserve = m_ulReserved + in_uGrowBy;
616  T * pNewItems = NULL;
617  size_t cItems = Length();
618  if (TMovePolicy::IsTrivial())
619  {
620  pNewItems = (T *)TAlloc::ReAlloc(m_pItems, sizeof(T) * cItems, sizeof(T) * ulNewReserve);
621  if (!pNewItems)
622  return false;
623  }
624  else
625  {
626  pNewItems = (T *)TAlloc::Alloc(sizeof(T) * ulNewReserve);
627  if (!pNewItems)
628  return false;
630  // Copy all elements in new array, destroy old ones
631  if (m_pItems && m_pItems != pNewItems /*AkHybridAllocator may serve up same memory*/)
632  {
633  for (size_t i = 0; i < cItems; ++i)
634  {
635  AkPlacementNew(pNewItems + i) T;
637  TMovePolicy::Move(pNewItems[i], m_pItems[i]);
639  m_pItems[i].~T();
640  }
643  }
644  }
646  m_pItems = pNewItems;
647  m_ulReserved = ulNewReserve;
648  return true;
649  }
651  /// Resize the array to the specified size.
652  bool Resize(AkUInt32 in_uiSize)
653  {
654  AkUInt32 cItems = Length();
655  if (in_uiSize < cItems)
656  {
657  //Destroy superfluous elements
658  for(AkUInt32 i = in_uiSize - 1 ; i < cItems; i++)
659  {
660  m_pItems[ i ].~T();
661  }
662  m_uLength = in_uiSize;
663  return true;
664  }
666  if ( in_uiSize > m_ulReserved )
667  {
668  if ( !GrowArray(in_uiSize - cItems) )
669  return false;
670  }
672  //Create the missing items.
673  for(size_t i = cItems; i < in_uiSize; i++)
674  {
675  AkPlacementNew( m_pItems + i ) T;
676  }
678  m_uLength = in_uiSize;
679  return true;
680  }
683  {
684  Term();
686  TAlloc::TransferMem( (void*&)m_pItems, in_rSource, (void*)in_rSource.m_pItems );
687  m_uLength = in_rSource.m_uLength;
688  m_ulReserved = in_rSource.m_ulReserved;
690  in_rSource.m_pItems = NULL;
691  in_rSource.m_uLength = 0;
692  in_rSource.m_ulReserved = 0;
693  }
696  {
697  Term();
699  if (Resize(in_rSource.Length()))
700  {
701  for (AkUInt32 i = 0; i < in_rSource.Length(); ++i)
702  m_pItems[i] = in_rSource.m_pItems[i];
703  return AK_Success;
704  }
705  return AK_Fail;
706  }
708 protected:
710  T * m_pItems; ///< pointer to the beginning of the array.
711  AkUInt32 m_uLength; ///< number of items in the array.
712  AkUInt32 m_ulReserved; ///< how many we can have at most (currently allocated).
713 };
716 #endif
AkForceInline void TransferMem(void *&io_pDest, AkHybridAllocator< uBufferSizeBytes, uAlignmentSize, T_MEMID > &in_srcAlloc, void *in_pSrc)
Definition: AkArray.h:124
AkUInt32 operator-(Iterator const &rhs) const
Definition: AkArray.h:238
AkForceInline void * Alloc(size_t in_uSize)
Definition: AkArray.h:62
AkForceInline void Free(void *in_pAddress)
Definition: AkArray.h:78
Iterator & operator++()
++ operator</div>
Definition: AkArray.h:245
AkForceInline void * Alloc(size_t in_uSize)
Definition: AkArray.h:38
static const AkUInt32 _uBufferSizeBytes
Definition: AkArray.h:97
Definition: AkArray.h:213
@ AK_Fail
The operation failed.
Definition: AkTypes.h:125
AkForceInline void * ReAlloc(void *in_pCurrent, size_t in_uOldSize, size_t in_uNewSize)
Definition: AkArray.h:107
AKRESULT Copy(const AkArray< T, ARG_T, TAlloc, TGrowBy, TMovePolicy > &in_rSource)
Definition: AkArray.h:695
Iterator FindEx(ARG_T in_Item) const
Returns the iterator th the specified item, will be End() if the item is not found
Definition: AkArray.h:298
void RemoveAll()
Removes all items in the array
Definition: AkArray.h:546
#define AkFree(_pool, _pvmem)
Definition: AkObject.h:82
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void Free(AkMemPoolId in_poolId, void *in_pMemAddress)
AK_ALIGN(char m_buffer[uBufferSizeBytes], uAlignmentSize)
T & Last()
Returns a reference to the last item in the array.
Definition: AkArray.h:503
Standard function call result.
Definition: AkTypes.h:122
AkForceInline void * ReAlloc(void *in_pCurrent, size_t in_uOldSize, size_t in_uNewSize)
Definition: AkArray.h:67
AkForceInline void Free(void *in_pAddress)
Definition: AkArray.h:48
AKRESULT RemoveSwap(ARG_T in_rItem)
Definition: AkArray.h:533
AkArrayAllocatorAlignedSimd< AkMemID_Processing > ArrayPoolLEngineDefaultAlignedSimd
Definition: AkArray.h:174
AkForceInline void Free(void *in_pAddress)
Definition: AkArray.h:118
AkForceInline T * Exists(ARG_T in_Item) const
Returns a pointer to the specified item in the list if it exists, 0 if not found.
Definition: AkArray.h:457
Specific implementation of array
Definition: AkArray.h:202
#define AkAlloc(_pool, _size)
Definition: AkObject.h:76
#define NULL
Definition: AkTypes.h:49
T * pItem
Pointer to the item in the array.
Definition: AkArray.h:226
@ AK_Success
The operation was successful.
Definition: AkTypes.h:124
bool GrowArray(AkUInt32 in_uGrowBy)
Resize the array.
Definition: AkArray.h:611
Platform-specific alignment requirement for SIMD data
Definition: AkTypes.h:69
AkArrayAllocatorNoAlign< AkMemID_Processing > ArrayPoolLEngineDefault
Definition: AkArray.h:173
AkForceInline void TransferMem(void *&io_pDest, AkArrayAllocatorAlignedSimd< T_MEMID > in_srcAlloc, void *in_pSrc)
Definition: AkArray.h:83
bool operator==(const Iterator &in_rOp) const
== operator</div>
Definition: AkArray.h:268
#define AkPlacementNew(_memory)
Definition: AkObject.h:50
void RemoveLast()
Removes the last item from the array.
Definition: AkArray.h:511
AkUInt32 m_uLength
number of items in the array.
Definition: AkArray.h:711
bool Resize(AkUInt32 in_uiSize)
Resize the array to the specified size.
Definition: AkArray.h:652
Definition: AkArray.h:205
AkForceInline T * AddLast(ARG_T in_rItem)
Add an item in the array, and fills it with the provided item.
Definition: AkArray.h:494
Definition: AkArray.h:225
AkForceInline void AkMemCpy(void *pDest, const void *pSrc, AkUInt32 uSize)
Platform Independent Helper
Definition: AkPlatformFuncs.h:333
#define AKASSERT(Condition)
Definition: AkAssert.h:76
static AkUInt32 GrowBy(AkUInt32)
Definition: AkArray.h:183
Iterator End() const
Returns the iterator to the end of the array
Definition: AkArray.h:290
AkUInt32 Reserved() const
Definition: AkArray.h:424
AkForceInline void * Alloc(size_t in_uSize)
Definition: AkArray.h:99
T & operator*()
Definition: AkArray.h:261
void Transfer(AkArray< T, ARG_T, TAlloc, TGrowBy, TMovePolicy > &in_rSource)
Definition: AkArray.h:682
Iterator Erase(Iterator &in_rIter)
Erase the specified iterator from the array
Definition: AkArray.h:341
static AkForceInline void Move(T &in_Dest, T &in_Src)
Definition: AkArray.h:160
#define AkMalign(_pool, _size, _align)
Definition: AkObject.h:77
AkUInt32 m_ulReserved
how many we can have at most (currently allocated).
Definition: AkArray.h:712
Iterator Begin() const
Returns the iterator to the first item of the array, will be End() if the array is empty.
Definition: AkArray.h:282
AkForceInline AkUInt32 Length() const
Returns the numbers of items in the array.
Definition: AkArray.h:439
#define AkFalign(_pool, _pvmem)
Definition: AkObject.h:83
static AkForceInline bool IsTrivial()
Definition: AkArray.h:165
#define AkRealloc(_pool, _pvmem, _size)
Definition: AkObject.h:79
AkArrayAllocatorNoAlign< AkMemID_Object > ArrayPoolDefault
Definition: AkArray.h:172
AKRESULT Remove(ARG_T in_rItem)
Removes the specified item if found in the array.
Definition: AkArray.h:519
void Erase(unsigned int in_uIndex)
Erase the item at the specified index
Definition: AkArray.h:362
bool operator!=(const Iterator &in_rOp) const
!= operator</div>
Definition: AkArray.h:274
bool GrowArray()
Definition: AkArray.h:604
AkForceInline T * AddLast()
Definition: AkArray.h:465
void Term()
Term the array. Must be called before destroying the object.
Definition: AkArray.h:427
AkForceInline void * ReAlloc(void *in_pCurrent, size_t in_uOldSize, size_t in_uNewSize)
Definition: AkArray.h:43
static AkForceInline bool IsTrivial()
Definition: AkArray.h:150
@ AK_InsufficientMemory
Memory error.
Definition: AkTypes.h:152
static AkUInt32 GrowBy(AkUInt32 in_CurrentArraySize)
Definition: AkArray.h:188
static AkUInt32 GrowBy(AkUInt32)
Definition: AkArray.h:178
AkForceInline bool IsEmpty() const
Returns true if the number items in the array is 0, false otherwise.
Definition: AkArray.h:451
static AkForceInline void Move(T &in_Dest, T &in_Src)
Definition: AkArray.h:145
uint32_t AkUInt32
Unsigned 32-bit integer
Definition: AkTypes.h:85
#define AkForceInline
Definition: AkTypes.h:62
AkForceInline T * Data() const
Returns a pointer to the first item in the array.
Definition: AkArray.h:445
T * Insert(unsigned int in_uIndex)
Definition: AkArray.h:563
Iterator & operator--()
– operator</div>
Definition: AkArray.h:253
bool IsGrowingAllowed()
Definition: AkArray.h:401
AkForceInline void TransferMem(void *&io_pDest, AkArrayAllocatorNoAlign< T_MEMID > in_srcAlloc, void *in_pSrc)
Definition: AkArray.h:53
Iterator EraseSwap(Iterator &in_rIter)
Definition: AkArray.h:382
AkForceInline T & operator[](unsigned int uiIndex) const
Operator [], return a reference to the specified index.
Definition: AkArray.h:554
AKRESULT Reserve(AkUInt32 in_ulReserve)
Pre-Allocate a number of spaces in the array
Definition: AkArray.h:407
Iterator operator+(AkUInt32 inc) const
Definition: AkArray.h:229
Iterator BinarySearch(ARG_T in_Item) const
Definition: AkArray.h:313
T * m_pItems
pointer to the beginning of the array.
Definition: AkArray.h:710

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