Wwise SDK 2019.2.15
ISourceControl.h 파일 참조

이 파일의 소스 코드 페이지로 가기


class   AK.Wwise::SourceControlConstant
  This class contains static constants that can be useful to the plug-in. 더 자세히 ...
class   AK.Wwise::ISourceControl
class   AK.Wwise::ISourceControl::IOperationResult
  The base interface for operations that return information to Wwise 더 자세히 ...
class   AK.Wwise::ISourceControl::IFileOperationResult
struct   AK.Wwise::ISourceControl::FilenameToStatusMapItem
struct   AK.Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationListItem
  Operation list item. This is the type used in the AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationList SourceControlContainers::IAkList template class. 더 자세히 ...
struct   AK.Wwise::ISourceControl::FilenameToIconMapItem
class   AK.Wwise::ISourceControl::PluginInfo
  Plug-in information structure. This structure gives a simple overview of the plug-in's capabilities. 더 자세히 ...


namespace   AK
  Audiokinetic namespace
namespace   AK.Wwise

상세한 설명

Wwise source control plug-in interface, used to implement the source control plug-in.

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