
Wwise SDK 2019.1.11
What's New in 2011.1.2?

2011.1.2 is a patch release. The following sections list and describe the changes made to Wwise between version 2011.1.1 and version 2011.1.2.

새로운 기능

  • iOS: Updated to SDK 4.3.

버그 수정

  • WG-19379 3DS: Workaround for compiler optimization failure in volume calculation (performance issue).
  • WG-19483 Fixed: Bad throughput heuristic set on xWMA streams: results in inconsistent xWMA stream profiling data, and suboptimal I/O scheduling when there are xWMA files playing.
  • WG-19496 Fixed: Possible crash in the voice limiting system in "out of memory" situations.
  • WG-19515 Fixed: Crash in game when connecting with Wwise and syncing interactive music hierarchy with specific memory conditions.
  • WG-19556 Fixed: Not possible to have positive values in State tab and possible crash and erroneous behavior when editing state value in multi-selection.
  • WG-19576 Fixed: Streamed files used by multiple banks were reported in the definition file (.txt) of only one of these banks.
  • WG-19580 Fixed: Source starvation with streamed XMA in interactive music, if seeking is required when a segment starts.
  • WG-19581 Fixed: Crash when exclusively converting external sources files at command line.
  • WG-19634 Fixed: Crash in xWMA source when out of memory.

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