
Wwise SDK 2019.1.11
What's New in 2010.3.3?

2010.3.3 is a patch release. The following sections list and describe the changes made to Wwise between version 2010.3.2 and version 2010.3.3.

새로운 기능

  • WG-19025 Xbox 360: Update to XDK February 2011 (20500).

버그 수정

  • WG-18764 Fixed: while connected to a game, clicking a music object stops the music in the game.
  • WG-18767 Fixed: possible race condition when generating banks with several convolution reverb sharesets, leading to error in bank generation or inconsistent playback behavior.
  • WG-18772 Fixed: rare crash when converting audio files on a multiple core CPU.
  • WG-18793 Fixed: crash in the Capture Log when selecting specific filtering options.
  • WG-18796 Fixed: notifications messages such as SetSwitch may not appear in the capture log in some scenarios.
  • WG-18869 Fixed: stream manager's scheduler may perform I/O for streams that already reached their target buffering; unwanted transfers occur when stopping other streams.
  • WG-18964 Fixed: Bus randomly stay blocked in ducked state when the ducking bus is explicitely stopped during the recovery time.
  • WG-18965 Fixed: potential DMA failure on PS3 with corrupted streamed vorbis sources.
  • WG-18992 Fixed: rare crash with volume fades while ducking and mixing under low-memory conditions.

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