
Wwise SDK 2019.1.11
Wwise Source and Effect Plug-in Troubleshooting Guide

Problem: At startup, Wwise displays an error message stating that two plug-ins have the same Company ID and Plug-in ID.

Problem: My plug-in is not available to the user in Wwise.

My plug-in is not available to the user on Mac but works on PC.

  • Your plug-in needs to be a 64-bit DLL. Wwise authoring only runs in 64 bits on Mac.

Problem: One of the controls in my plug-in's user interface is empty or disabled.

  • Verify that the property name specified in the control's text in the resources (for example Prop=SineFrequency) is the same as the name specified in your plug-in description file (for example Property Name="SineFrequency"). Refer to "Prop" 제어 속성 and 속성 구성 요소 for more information.
  • Verify that the control class (for example Class=SuperRange) is suitable for the property's type. Refer to "Class" 제어 속성 and 속성 구성 요소 for more information.

Problem: One of the Wwise controls in my plug-in's user interface does not appear correctly.

Problem: My plug-in doesn't recognize property changes in the UI.

  • Verify that the AudioEnginePropertyID specified in your plug-in definition file is in the 0-32767 range, or 0-150 for the wcustomproperties file. Refer to 속성 구성 요소 for more information about the AudioEnginePropertyID tag.
  • Verify that the AudioEnginePropertyID specified in your plug-in definition file matches the ID you use in your implementation of AK::IAkEffectParam::SetParam(). Refer to 속성 구성 요소 for more information about the AudioEnginePropertyID tag, and AK::IAkPluginParam::SetParam() for details about implementing AK::IAkEffectParam::SetParam().

Problem: My plug-in works in Wwise but not in my game.

There are two possibilities:

  • If your game statically links the effects, make sure you link the plug-in library and include the corresponding factory header file in one of the CPP files.
  • If your game uses dynamic libraries (such as DLL, SO, and PRX), make sure your effect DLL is copied in the same folder as the executable. Or set AkInitSettings::szPluginDLLPath to add a DLL search path, if they are not in the same folder.

Problem: I can add my plug-in in a project, but I can't hear its effects when playing a sound in Wwise.

You can debug this issue if you do "Start Capture" before playing the sound with your plugin. If you see "Plugin not registered" in the Capture Log, then the issue will be fixed by adding AK_STATIC_LINK_PLUGIN(YourPlugin) in one cpp file of your Authoring-side DLL code.

Problem: My plug-in doesn't work in Unity.

Here are a few points to validate for new plugins in Unity.

  • Plug-ins loaded by Wwise in Unity must be copied to \Assets\Wwise\Deployment\Plugins\[Platform]\DSP. Usually this is the Release version.
  • There must be a Windows\x86, Windows\x86_64, and a Mac version of the plug-in so the plug-in can work in the Unity Editor.
  • The standard Unity integration will detect the plug-in usage from the PluginInfo.xml that is created when generating the banks. The "DLL" tag in PluginInfo.xml comes directly from the "EngineDllName" tag written in the XML file describing the plug-in in the Wwise authoring folders. Make sure your DLL has the same name.

Refer to Plug-in Static Registration for more details.

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