
Wwise SDK 2019.1.11
오디오 플러그인

Wwise lets you extend its capabilities by building your own Effect plug-ins. Create and integrate audio effect plug-ins, or sound sources such as synthesizers, physical modeling, and so on.

A Wwise audio plug-in is composed of three parts:

  • Wwise application plug-in: The part used by Wwise to display dialogs where the user can edit the plug-in's properties, and to execute the plug-in when the user plays sounds in Wwise.
  • Wwise sound engine plug-in: The part used by the sound engine to execute the plug-in in your game.
  • Optionally, a runtime DLL for Unity and Unreal wrapping the sound engine part.

플러그인의 사운드 엔진 부분 개요

This is the code that executes in the sound engine to produce or modify the input sound based on settings defined by the user in Wwise.

Refer to 오디오 플러그인의 사운드 엔진 부분 작성하기 for information on writing this part of the plug-in.

플러그인의 Wwise 부분 개요

This is the part that runs in Wwise. It contains the UI that the user can use to modify the plug-in's properties. It also contains the Windows® sound engine side of the plug-in so the user can hear the results from within Wwise.

Refer to 오디오 플러그인의 Wwise 저작 부분 작성하기 for information on writing this part of the plug-in.

개발 도구

A collection of command-line tools written in Python (compatible with both Python 2 & 3) are provided to facilitate plug-in development. The capabilities of these tools include:

  • Generating a project base to work from;
  • Generating solutions for your target platforms;
  • Building these solutions;
  • Packaging your plug-in for use in the Wwise Launcher.

Refer to 개발 도구 사용하기 for information on the plug-in development tools provided with this SDK.

예제 코드

Refer to 예제 효과 플러그인 for information on sample effect plug-ins provided with this SDK.

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