
Wwise SDK 2019.1.11

◆ WriteUtf16String()

virtual bool AK.Wwise::IWriteData::WriteUtf16String ( LPCWSTR  in_szString )
pure virtual

Writes a null-terminated utf-16 string (characters are 2 bytes wide). Handles endianness according to destination platform.

참고: "String" properties (as defined in the plugin's XML Description File - refer to Wwise 플러그인 XML 설명 파일 for more details) are utf-16 encoded. While you are free to store this string in soundbanks as as an ansi string (using WritePascalString()), AK::IAkPluginParam::SetParam() will be passed an utf-16 string when you connect the authoring tool to the sound engine. Thus, WriteUtf16String() is the preferred method for sending strings to a plug-in.
True if successful, False otherwise
in_szString The string to be written (null-terminated).

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