

Working with Clips

Using the various tools for clips in the Music Segment Editor, you can edit your clips easily along a timeline. You can move clips from one track to another by dragging them up or down and overlap one clip over another. You can make a clip shorter by dragging one of its handles inwards, or extend it by dragging the handle outwards. When you extend a clip, it repeats itself. Each repeat is called a loop.

The following table lists the various clip tools and indicators you will use when working with clips in the Music Segment Editor.




Clip handle

Drag this to shorten or extend a clip. When you extend a clip, you create loops.

Play cursor

When a segment is playing or paused, indicates current playback position within the segment. When a segment is stopped, indicates the point at which playback will begin.

[Note] Note

The Source Editor's Play Cursor start position is not respected when there is an Initial Delay. For more information, refer to the Source Editor documentation.

End cursor

Drag this to shorten or extend all the music tracks in a segment within the Music Segment Editor. Shortening or extending music tracks does not affect the length or playback of clips on these tracks.

Clip indicator

Indicates the beginning of a clip when a clip is looped.

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