

Using Spread as Part of an Attenuation

In the next example, we'll take the same ambient_emitters_small_0_5 attenuation ShareSet and subscribe the ambient_fire_campfire sound object to it. Additionally, we will set the mode to Define Custom in order to use the same ambient_emitters_small_0_5 attenuation, but also Spread the sound at close distance for that particular object.

Defining a custom attenuation mode

Attenuation editor displaying custom properties

Now that the ambient_fire_campfire sound object has been changed to Define Custom as its attenuation mode, it is now using a unique instance of the attenuation that is not shared (or sharable) with any other sound object.

[Note] Designer Note

Spread specifies the amount or percentage of audio that is spread to neighboring speakers, allowing for sounds to change over distance from a point source at low values to a completely diffused propagation at high values. For multichannel sounds, each channel is spread separately.

In the following image, the sound of the campfire is set to begin spreading between the available speakers at half its maximum distance (2.5) until it is 100% spread at its minimum (0).

Spread authored in the Attenuation Editor and modified by the distance parameter

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