

Using the Blend Track Editor

Now that everything is in the blend container and playing simultaneously, we need a way to isolate the day and night elements and integrate the Time_of_Day game parameter. A special function of the blend container is the Blend Track Editor, which is used to modify the contents of containers so that their properties can be controlled by RTPC curves and Crossfades.

Blend tracks can be accessed in the General Settings tab of the Blend Container Property Editor.

Opening the Blend Track Editor from the Property Editor

The Blend Track Editor is made up of two main areas: one where blocks can be crossfaded, and another where RTPC curves can be added and modified using the graph view. These areas are enabled by adding a new blend track from the Blend Track Editor.

Adding a new blend track to an empty blend container using the Blend Track Editor

Once a new blend track has been added, it can be named after the ambient background. Enabling the Crossfade option lets you select a game parameter which can be used to transition between containers or other sound objects on the blend track.

Enabling the Crossfade on a new blend track

By adding a Crossfade to the Background blend track using the Time_of_Day game parameter, you can position containers according to values of the game parameter. The positioning of containers on the blend track determines the amount of overlap or Crossfade.

[Note] Designer Note

Changing between game parameters with different ranges can affect the range of the blend track's audio blocks. In this case, a decision must be made whether to Stretch the audio blocks or Preserve their position after the change in game parameter.

Now that a blend track has been added and the ability to crossfade has been established, containers can be assigned to blend tracks in the Contents Editor.

Blend tracks section of the Contents Editor

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