The MIDI note tracking parameters can be found in the MIDI tab of the Property Editor for the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy objects. These parameters determine if, upon reception of a MIDI message, the sound objects are pitch-shifted during playback. If the played sound is pitch-shifted, it is according to the note of the MIDI message, and the note represented by the Actor-Mixer object's source; it's root note.
The note tracking parameters can be specified and/or overridden in any of the instrument's Actor-Mixer Hierarchy objects. For more information about properties in the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy, refer to About Properties in the Project Hierarchy. The MIDI note tracking parameters are:
Override parent: if set, the object ignores the note tracking parameters of its ancestor objects.
Enable: if set, the object's sound is pitch-shifted when played. The pitch-shift is done using the received MIDI message's note and the parameter Root note.
Root note: the note represented by the object's source.
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