

Transitioning from Ambient to Action Music

Transitioning at the next beat will suit the purpose of moving quickly from ambient to action music and so specifying Next Beat in the Exit Source window will accomplish this.

Defining the source exit source

By default the source transition is set to play the post-exit of the source during the transition, however, the post-exit of a source will only play if that source exits at its exit cue, or fades out at or beyond its exit cue. Otherwise, the post-exit will never play during a transition.

In this transition we also want to end playing with a fade-out. This can be accomplished by selecting Fade-out and pressing edit to enter the Music Fade Editor.

Adding a source fade-out in the music fade editor

The Music Fade Editor is where you can define the properties of each individual fade used when transitioning from one music object to another. This includes fade-ins for destination objects, fade-outs for source objects, and fade-ins and fade-outs for transition segments. You can define the length and offset of each fade, as well as the curve shape to further customize the transition.

For the example, it has been determined that a two second fade with a one second offset using a steep convex curve will allow the ambient music to fade quickly out and sound natural as it transitions to the action music playlist.

Specifying the fade settings for the ambient to action music transition

Auditioning the transitions can be done in the same way as outlined previously.

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