Now that we have established a few generalized attenuations for ambient emitters, any level of the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy can subscribe to them. Remember that any children of the parent sound object will inherit the subscription unless overridden. In the first example, we'll subscribe the ambient_tree_rustle sound object to the ambient_emitters_small_0_5 attenuation so that we only hear trees when the listener is within five game units of the emitter.
We begin by overriding the parent object (if any) and changing the sound to 3D in the positioning tab. Clicking the Selector button (>>) allows you to navigate the attenuation ShareSet hierarchy and select the attenuation you want to subscribe to.
Now, when the ambient_tree_rustle sound object is played, it will obey the definition of the ambient_emitters_small_0_5 attenuation and you will hear the soft rustling of leaves when the listener is close to the emitter. If the properties of the attenuation change, any sound object that is subscribed to it will also change.
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