

Specifying the Output Routing for Objects

Each object within the hierarchy must be routed to a specific bus. You can define the routing for an entire structure simply by setting it for the top-level parent object. Since the output routing is an absolute property, these settings will automatically be passed down to the child objects below it. You can, however, override the parent settings, if necessary.

The following illustration shows how the output routing set for a parent object is automatically passed to its child objects.

[Note] Note

By default, objects are automatically routed to the busses specified in the Default User Settings.

To specify the output routing for audio objects:

  1. Load a top-level object into the Property Editor.

    [Note] Note

    If the object is not a top-level object, you must select the Override parent option before you can set the Output options.

  2. In the Output Bus group box, click the browse button (...).

    The Project Explorer - Browser opens.

  3. Select the Audio Bus through which you want the object to be routed.

  4. Click OK.

    The Audio Bus is applied to the current object and any child objects below it.

To unlink the output routing for the current platform:

  1. Load a top-level object into the Property Editor.

    [Note] Note

    If the object is not a top-level object, you must select the Override parent option before you can set the Output options.

  2. In the Output Bus group box, right-click the current bus name to open the shortcut menu.

  3. Select Unlink from the shortcut menu.

    Now the bus routing is unlinked and you can specify another bus for this platform.

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