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Platform Requirements 2017.2.9

This page documents the versions of the various tools used to build the different versions of the Wwise Sound Engine.

Common Tools

The following versions of Microsoft Visual Studio are used to build the Wwise libraries:

  • Microsoft® Visual Studio 2010: VS2010 SP1 (10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel)
  • Microsoft® Visual Studio 2012: VS2012 Update 5 (11.0.61219.00)
  • Microsoft® Visual Studio 2013: VS2013 Update 5 (12.0.40629.00)
  • Microsoft® Visual Studio 2015: VS2015 Update 3 (14.0.25420.1)
  • Microsoft® Visual Studio 2017: VS2017 (15.0.27004.2010)

You will notice that the Wwise SDK installation directories are suffixed with "_vc" + version number (such as "_vc140" or "_vc150") for both Win32 and x64:

  • vc100: Contains libraries for the Debug, Profile, and Release versions of Wwise that have a dependency on version 10.0.40219.1 of the CRT DLL, which corresponds to Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 version 10.0.40219.1.
  • vc110: Contains libraries for the Debug, Profile, and Release versions of Wwise that have a dependency on version 11.0.61219.00 of the CRT DLL, which corresponds to Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 version 11.0.61219.00.
  • vc120: Contains libraries for the Debug, Profile, and Release versions of Wwise that have a dependency on version 12.0.40629.00 of the CRT DLL, which corresponds to Visual Studio 2013 Update 8 version 12.0.40629.00.
  • vc140: Contains libraries for the Debug, Profile, and Release versions of Wwise that have a dependency on version 14.0.25420.1 of the CRT DLL, which corresponds to Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 version 14.0.25420.1.
  • vc150: Contains libraries for the Debug, Profile, and Release versions of Wwise that have a dependency on version 15.0.27004.2010 of the CRT DLL, which corresponds to Visual Studio 2017 version 15.0.27004.2010.

If you are using a different version of Visual Studio, or if you don't want your game to depend on either of the above-mentioned versions of the CRT DLL, you can link to the libraries from the Debug (StaticCRT), Profile (StaticCRT), and Release (StaticCRT) folders instead.



  • Android SDK: Minimum API 14 for 32 bits, Minimum API 21 for 64 bits.
  • Android SDK Tools: 24.1.2
  • Android NDK: r12b
  • Apache Ant: 1.8.2
  • NVIDIA CodeWorks for Visual Studio: Optional, much easier to compile and debug.


  • iOS Deployment Target: 6.0
  • iOS SDK: 11.1
  • tvOS Deployment Target: 9.2
  • tvOS SDK: 11.1 (tvOS)
  • Xcode®: 9.1
Mac OS X


  • Mac OS X: v10.9 Mavericks® (minimum target)
  • Xcode®: 9.1
  • Mac SDK: OS X 10.13


  • Compiler: GCC 4.8.1
  • Target Environment: Steam Runtime


  • Microsoft DirectX®: DXSDK_Jun10 (9.29)
    Note: Please make sure that the DirectX® SDK's environment variable DXSDK_DIR points to the proper directory if you have multiple versions of the SDK.
  • Windows Software Development Kit: 10.0

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