

More on Loudness Range (LRA)

The recommended maximum LRA is dependent on the genre, the targeted audience, or the environment where the game is intended to be played. The maximum LRA value may also be different for distribution platforms such as the mobile game. Here are a few examples of loudness ranges depending on the listening environment:



Home Theater


Living Room




Living Room (Late night)


Public Transportation (mobile)


As a general rule:

  • A noisy environment requires a lower LRA so that the listener can hear all content correctly

  • Louder loudspeakers allow a greater LRA

Loudness Range is a measure that also helps to decide if dynamic compression is necessary.

EBU suggests that with the measure of Loudness Range, it is possible to determine appropriate measures for potential dynamic compression of a program to fit within the tolerance window of the audience or distribution platform. In practice, overall low-level compression may lead to satisfactory results and ensure uniform compression of the whole signal range:

  • a low threshold (< -40 dBFS)

  • a moderate compression ratio (1:1.2 – 1:1.5)

  • a long release-time (>1 s)

Again, EBU suggests that depending on the original loudness level, a shift to the target level of -23 LUFS may be performed in parallel through adjusting the make-up gain of the compressor accordingly.

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