

Mix Summary

A sound designer equipped with the tools to enable a comprehensive dynamic mix can rest easier when the time comes to complete the game's final mix. With tools modeled after those commonly used in the linear world, and further imbued with the ability to react interactively, a doorway to the next level in dynamic mixing is opened.

Throughout this chapter we have:

  • Discussed signal-flow and routing using audio busses.

  • Established the use of user-defined auxiliary sends.

  • Established the use of game-defined auxiliary sends.

  • Discussed the use of states as mix snapshots.

  • Compared auto-ducking with side-chaining.

  • Mixed with RTPC.

  • Discussed the benefits of using effects in the Master-Mixer.

  • Shown ways to visualize the mix using the Mixing Desk.

  • Illustrated techniques for mixing with attenuations.

Stepped through the process of:

  • Creating audio busses.

  • Creating auxiliary busses.

  • Setting up states.

  • Applying auto-ducking to audio busses in the Master-Mixer.

Also touched on:

  • The relationship between wet and dry reverb volumes in the attenuation editor.

Throughout this section we have created the following objects:

  • An “Amulet” auxiliary bus used to affect magic and weapon swing sounds based on the “Danger” game parameter.

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