Some effects, such as the Convolution Reverb, require media files to work. For example, the Convolution Reverb requires an impulse response file as its plug-in media. Those plug-in media files need to be included inside a SoundBank for the Effect to function normally in the game. You also need to make sure the SoundBanks containing the media files are loaded at the moment you need the Effect to be instantiated.
There are multiple ways of including the plug-in media files in a SoundBank:
You can insert the ShareSet effect object inside the inclusion list of a SoundBank.
You can insert the owner object (bus, Auxiliary Bus or Actor-Mixer Hierarchy object) inside the inclusion list of a SoundBank.
You can insert the Event inside the inclusion list of a SoundBank, if the Effect is owned by an Actor-Mixer Hierarchy object.
It is possible to verify that the plug-in media files were included in a SoundBank by looking at the SoundBank Editor/Edit tab.
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