When the event is created, the Event Editor is brought into focus to reflect the new event. The new event is created with the Ambient_day_night blend container added to it with a Play action type.
Event actions can also be removed or added to an event using the Action Selector.
The Event Editor shows any Action Properties available for a given event action.
Designer Note | |
Each event action has a different set of action properties that can be modified to produce the desired effects. See the help documentation for a full listing of event actions and properties: Wwise Help > Wwise Reference > Events > Event Editor Wwise Fundamentals > Understanding Events > Action Events Wwise Help > Interacting with the Game > Managing Events > Overview > Types of Event Actions |
The action properties that can be used to modify the Play event action include:
Delay - The amount of time that goes by before the action is performed.
Default value: 0, Default Slider Range: 0 to 10, Input Range: 0 to 600, Units: Seconds.
Fade Time - The amount of time it takes for the object to fade in, after any specified delay.
Default value: 0
Default Slider Range: 0 to 10
Input Range: 0 to 60
Units: Seconds
Fade Curve - The curve shape that defines how the object fades in.
Probability - Percentage of probability that an event action will play.
Default value: 100
Default Slider Range: 0 to 100
Input Range: 0 to 100
Units: Percentage
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