

General Tab

In the General tab, you can define the following for your project:

  • Volume thresholds for managing voice playback in game

  • Maximum number of simultaneous active voices in game

  • Source control plug-in configuration

  • Originals folder location

  • Cache folder location

  • Event creation

Interface Element


Opens a search field where standard alphanumeric entries filter out unmatching elements from the view. Learn more in Using Tables.

Click the Close icon to the left of the search icon to close the search field and remove the filter.

[Note] Note

The searches do not include elements in collapsed nodes of the List View, Query Editor, MIDI Keymap Editor, and Reference View.

Click the Configure Columns... shortcut (right-click) option from the column header band.

The Configure Columns Dialog opens. Specify which columns to display and their order.



The name of the platforms, as defined in the Platform Manager, that are active in your project.

Base Platform

The name of the SDK used by this platform.

Volume Threshold

The default volume level below which a voice will be managed by behaviors defined in the Advanced Settings tab of the Property Editor. For example, voices that fall below the volume threshold can do any of the following:

  • Continue to play

  • Be killed

  • Be sent to the virtual voice list

[Note] Note

Even if it continues to play or becomes virtual, the voice will be inaudible while it is still below the volume threshold.

Default value: -80
Range: -200 to 0
Units: dB

This value can be overridden by using the Wwise SDK API.

[Note] Note

The default slider range is from -96 to 0. You can go over those limits by entering the value directly, or by rolling the mouse while the focus is on the edit control.

Max Voice Instances

The maximum number of simultaneous voices that can be active at the same time in the entire project. Virtual voices do not count as active voices. Over this limit, voices with the lowest priority will adopt their virtual behavior. If priorities are equal, older sounds will be considered to have a higher priority. Each sound can override its own virtual behavior, which can be:

  • Continue to play

  • Be killed

  • Send to virtual voice

[Note] Note

The Maximum number of voice instance may not be respected if the virtual behavior on some sounds is set to Continue to play. To have this limit respected, playing voices need to have their virtual behavior set to Kill voice or Send to Virtual voice.

This value can be overridden by using the Wwise SDK API.



The name of the project source control plug-in. You can select any of the following options:

  • No Source Control - If you don't use a source control system to manage your assets and project files.

  • Perforce - If you plan to use Perforce to manage your assets and project files. Refer to Perforce for more information.

  • Subversion - If you use Subversion to manage your assets and project files. Refer to Subversion for more information.

  • Other Source Control - If you use another source control system for which you created a Workgroup plug-in.

The Subversion option will not appear in the Plug-in list if the version of Subversion you have installed on your workstation is not compatible with the version used to build the Workgroup plug-in. For more information on what versions are supported by Wwise, refer to Supported Perforce/Subversion Versions.

Opens the Plug-in Configuration dialog box where you can define the settings for the plug-in.

Show Workgroup file status in user interface

Enables file status queries to the source control plug-in to show the Workgroup status and owner.

When enabled, it shows:

  • The Work Units status icons

  • The Work Units status and owner in the views' titlebar tooltips

  • The Wwise project (WPROJ) status and owner in Wwise's title bar

Disable this option when experiencing performance issues with the source control plug-in or server.

Original Audio Files

Use project's location

Specifies the location where the project's originals media files folder will be saved. This path can be relative to the project's directory or absolute. The default location is "Originals".

Opens the Browse for Folder dialog box where you can navigate to the location you want to store the original media files.

[Note] Note

When selecting a file with the browse button, Wwise will automatically resolve the path to a relative path (from the Project) if possible.

Override location for current user

Specifies a new location for the current user only. This path can be relative to the project's directory or absolute.

This is useful in the following types of situations:

  • You temporarily do not have access to the Originals folder.

  • You do not have permission to alter the contents of the Originals folder.

  • You need to create a temporary location for your Originals folder without changing the location of the project's Originals folder.

Opens the Browse for Folder dialog box where you can navigate to a new location for storing the original media files for the current user.

[Note] Note

When selecting a file with the browse button, Wwise will automatically resolve the path to a relative path (from the Project) if possible.

Cached Audio Files

Use project's location

Specifies the location where the project's cache files folder will be saved. This path can be relative to the project's directory or absolute. The default location is ".cache".

Opens the Browse for Folder dialog box where you can navigate to the location where you want to store your project cache files.

[Note] Note

When selecting a file with the browse button, Wwise will automatically resolve the path to a relative path (from the Project) if possible.

Override location for current user

Specifies a new location for the current user only. This path can be relative to the project's directory or absolute.

This is useful in the following types of situations:

  • You temporarily do not have access to the cache folder.

  • You do not have permission to alter the contents of the cache folder.

  • You need to create a temporary location for your cache folder without changing the location of the project's cache folder.

Opens the Browse for Folder dialog box where you can navigate to a new location for storing your project's cache files for the current user.

[Note] Note

When selecting a file with the browse button, Wwise will automatically resolve the path to a relative path (from the Project) if possible.

Event Creation


The Event Creation settings determine the name given to a newly created event.

  • Define settings for project - Event Creation settings are specified for the project.

  • Override settings for current user - Event Creation settings are specified for the current user only.

Add action name

If enabled, the new event's action name is used to create the Event name:

  • set as prefix - The action name is used as a prefix: <action_name>_<object_name>.

  • set as suffix - The action name is used as a suffix: <object_name>_<action_name>.

Modify case

If enabled, the case of the new event's name is set to:

  • all lowercase - The new event's name is all lowercase.

  • all uppercase - The new event's name is all uppercase.


Closes the Project Settings dialog box and saves your settings.

Closes the Project Settings dialog box without saving your settings.

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