


[Note] Note

For context, please reference the first example.

The Focus parameter contracts together the virtual sources of each input channel, before applying rotation and spread. This is used to mitigate the leakage of input channels into output channels, when panning a discrete multichannel file. The following figure shows the case with 70% Spread that we have seen before. No Focus was used, and thus we can see, for example, that the Red input channel will end up leaking in the Center channel, the Front Right channel, and even the Front Left channel.

With 80% Focus, below, the input channels are contracted and we see that the Red input channel will contributing to the Center channel, to the Front Right channel, but less magnitude than before, and not to the Front Left channel. Nevertheless, it is important to realize that even with 100% Focus, input channels always contribute to at least 2 output channels unless they are perfectly aligned.

This issue does not apply with ambisonics panning, which, by design, already leaks across output channels, albeit uniformly. Therefore, Focus is ignored when the channel configuration of the source is ambisonics.

Effective Panning of an Emitter Located 45 Degrees from the Listener's Azimuth,
with Relative Orientation of 90 degrees and a 70% Spread



Relative emitter position and orientation

Placement of Virtual Sources
and Output Bus Channel Energy

70% Spread

0% Focus

70% Spread

80% Focus

Proceed to the next 3D positioning example: Panning a Plane Source onto a Plane Channel Configuration.

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