

Creating and Establishing Generalized Attenuations

By selecting the default work unit from the ShareSets tab in the Project Explorer, a new attenuation can be added from the Project Explorer toolbar by clicking on the game parameter icon. Alternatively, an attenuation can be created from the contextual menu for an attenuation work unit or by using shortcut keys.

Adding a new attenuation ShareSet

Creating generalized attenuations that can be used in many scenarios is a good place to start. Adding further attenuations that address specific distance-based problems or special effects can be created on an as-needed basis throughout the course of the project.

We'll begin by defining generalized attenuations for Ambient Emitters: Large, Medium, and Small. We'll also imbed some information regarding distance, within the Attenuation name, in order to give some indication of what their intended use is. When working with a naming standard throughout your project, it is important to try and adopt some conventions that will be clear to people who may be working with sound objects, Events, Game Syncs, or ShareSets you have created.

Project Explorer ShareSets showing a set of general attenuations

Once created, you can control the amount of reverb, LPF and spread by adjusting the curve properties. Each curve defines properties based on the maximum distance set for the attenuation. The maximum distance is distance from the emitting source where the sound reaches its lowest level. The attenuation of the object remains constant beyond the max distance.

Defining curve properties, max distance, and the attenuation feature set

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