The compositional task has its underpinnings in the graphical representation of notes and behaviors. Whether on manuscript (staff) paper, a "piano roll", or beneath the surface of a DAW as MIDI notes, the notation serves as a mechanism to communicate the intended performance to be played back by performers or their mechanical/ digital equivalent. Operating below the surface of most computer-based composition tools, MIDI has provided a consistent and standardized way to represent a composer's musical intention. Wwise acts as an interpretor for this intention and can be used to play back and participate in the interaction between the composition and the "game as performer" modifying properties of the composition in realtime.
A MIDI file from a DAW must be exported with special considerations for use in the Wwise Authoring Application. Specifically, any tempo and MIDI channel configurations should be assigned in correlation to their expected use. Wwise will, by default, use the tempo and MIDI channel assignments exported in the MIDI file to control these aspects.
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