

AkRoom Class Reference

An AkRoom is an enclosed environment that can only communicate to the outside/other rooms with AkRoomPortals. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

ulong  GetID ()
  Access the room's ID.

Public Attributes

int  priority = 0
AK.Wwise.AuxBus  reverbAuxBus
  The reverb auxiliary bus.
float  reverbLevel = 1
  The reverb control value for the send to the reverb aux bus.
float  wallOcclusion = 1
  Occlusion level modeling transmission through walls.

Detailed Description

An AkRoom is an enclosed environment that can only communicate to the outside/other rooms with AkRoomPortals.

Generated on Mon Apr 15 18:03:42 2019 for Wwise Unity Integration by  doxygen 1.6.3

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