

Character Summary

Throughout this chapter we’ve come to a greater understanding of switch groups, switches, and their use as part of a system that works in conjunction with game information. The strength of building a system based on information from the game is in the ability to change, control, and manipulate content within the tool, without changing code. It also puts control over behaviors independent of the game in the hands of the sound designer.

Throughout this chapter we have:

  • Discussed establishing a simplified model of footsteps.

  • Developed an understanding of switch groups, switches, and their use.

  • Discussed the randomization of properties within a sound object.

  • Arranged containers within the assigned objects section of the Contents Editor.

Stepped through the process of:

  • Creating sets of player and Non-Player Character (NPC) footstep random containers based on:

    • Character type

    • Surface material type

    • Footstep type

  • Creating sets of player and Non-Player Character (NPC) movement random containers based on:

    • Character Type

    • Footstep Type

    • Armor Type

  • Establishing switches to manage:

    • Surface Type

    • Player Type

    • Step Type

  • Creating a multi-level switching system for footsteps and movement.

Also touched on:

  • Using delay offset in the Event to introduce natural randomness in movement sounds.

Throughout this section we have created the following objects:

  • A multi-level switching system that determines the character, surface, and step type when the footstep event is played.

  • A multi-level switching system for movement sounds with randomized delay offset in the footstep event.

  • A footstep event comprised of play actions for both footstep and movement switch systems.

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