

Wwise Recorder

The Wwise Recorder plug-in effect allows designers to record to an AMB, WAV, or WEM file the sound played within the Wwise authoring tool. This includes any customizations other than those, such as virtual voices, that result in silence.

Be careful in choosing the hierarchical position where you place your Wwise Recorder. It can be applied to any single Actor-Mixer or Interactive Music object, which it will record to a file after it has fully finished playing (including all loops) once. The Wwise Recorder will rewrite the file for every additional playback. It can also be applied to a bus, which implies that it will not output the file until the bus is unloaded, resulting in a typically larger AMB, WAV, or WEM.

Wwise Recorder Properties

Interface Element



Determines whether the element is included or excluded. When selected, the element is included. When unselected, the element is not included. By default, this applies across all platforms. Use the Link indicator (to the left of the check box) to determine or to set platform-specific customizations.

When this option is unselected, the property and behavior options in the Property Editor become unavailable.


The name of the Effect instance.

Effect instances are a group of effect property settings. They can be one of two types: custom instances or ShareSets. Custom instances can be used by only one object, whereas ShareSets can be shared across several objects.


The type of effect.

Shared by (Used by)

A list of objects that currently subscribe to the selected ShareSet.

This field is called “Used by” when editing a custom instance of the Effect.

Opens a search field where standard alphanumeric entries filter out unmatching elements from the view. Learn more in Using Tables.

Click the Close icon to the left of the search icon to close the search field and remove the filter.

[Note] Note

The searches do not include elements in collapsed nodes of the List View, Query Editor, MIDI Keymap Editor, and Reference View.

Returns the Effect property settings to their default values.

This option is only available when editing a custom instance of the Effect.


Additional information about the Effect.

Effect Settings

File Attributes


The file format: WAV, the industry standard Waveform Audio File Format for storing audio bitstreams; or WEM, the Wwise description file.

Authoring Tool Output Path


The name of the full or relative (to your Documents folder) path and filename for the recording file. Use the selector button to the right to search for a file or location.


The full path to the specified filename. If there are no issues, it has black font. If there are errors, they are listed within square brackets and - except for blank filepaths - in red font. These include the following:

  • [Will not record in Authoring Tool]: The filename path is blank.

  • [Invalid Filename]: The resulting filename path contains reserved characters (<,>,:,",/,\,|,?,*) or exceeds system character length limit.

  • [Directory Not Found] - directory path: A directory in the specified filename path does not exist.

  • [Write Access Denied] - directory path: The user does not have write permission for the specified filename path.

[Note] Note

If there are any listed issues, the Authoring Tool Recoding Status becomes Cannot Record.

Game Output Path


The filename relative to the SoundBanks' location.

[Warning] Mac paths must use a forward slash
While Windows will interpret both slashes and backslashes as folder separators, on Mac a backslash will be interpreted as part of the filename.


If there are no issues, it displays in black font the full path to the specified filename using the $(Game base path) relative variable. This variable corresponds to the location of the SoundBanks. If there are errors, they are listed within square brackets and - except for blank filepaths - in red font. These include the following:

  • [Will not record in Game]: The filename path is blank.

  • [Path Must Be Relative]: The path is absolute, which is not allowed.

  • [Invalid Filename]: The resulting filename contains invalid, reserved characters (<,>,:,",/,\,|,?,* on Windows, : on OS X).

Stereo downmix: Enable to downmix any input with more than two channels to a stereo file. It activates the following 7.1 configuration volume sliders to adjust the relative importance of the different input channels, whatever they may be, for the stereo downmix.

[Note] Note

For ambisonic channel configurations, the Stereo downmix does nothing.


The gain applied to the front speakers.

Default value: 0
Range: -96 to 0
Units: dB


The applied gain to the center speaker.

Default value: -3
Range: -96 to 0
Units: dB


The gain applied to the surround speakers.

Default value: -3
Range: -96 to 0
Units: dB


The gain applied to the back speakers.

Default value: -3
Range: -96 to 0
Units: dB


The gain applied to the distinct channel for the low frequency effect.

Default value: -96
Range: -96 to 0
Units: dB

Recorder Input

Apply downstream volume

When enabled, the gains applied at a higher level will apply to the output file. For example, if the volume of the Master Audio Bus is increased by 10 and that of a child Audio Bus is decreased by 15, then the child and all its children will inherit the sum total gain of -5. Although the gain is always audible, unless this option is enabled the audio file output by the recorder will not include it.

Import in Wwise...

Prompts the Audio File Importer to make it convenient to import recorded files.

[Note] The following features are only available in the Windows version of Wwise.

Authoring Tool Recording Status

The current state of the recording process among the following possibilities:

  • Idle: Not currently recording.

  • Recording: Currently recording the applicable playing object.

  • Cannot Record: Not recording because the current Status of the Authoring Tool Output Path displays an error.

Shows the contents of the PCM (WAV or AMB) file in Peak mode over a detailed timeline for all its applicable channels.

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