

AkTriangle Struct Reference

Structure for describing information about individual triangles. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  AkTriangle ()

Public Attributes

AkVector  point0
AkVector  point1
AkVector  point2
AkUInt32  textureID
  Acoustic texture ShareSet ID.
AkUInt32  reflectorChannelMask
  Bitfield of channels that this triangle belongs to. When processing the reflections, this bit mask is ANDed with each of the emitter's reflectorFilterMasks to determine if the reflector/emitter pair can produce a valid hit.
const char *  strName
  Name to describe this triangle. When passing into AddGeometrySet, this string is copied internally and may be freed as soon as the function returns.

Detailed Description

Structure for describing information about individual triangles.

Definition at line 102 of file AkSpatialAudio.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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