

Sample Applications and Plug-ins

Wwise comes with two sample applications and one plug-in for 3ds Max. These applications were built using the SoundFrame API and demonstrate the power and flexibility of SoundFrame. These applications were created to give you an idea of the types of applications that can be built using SoundFrame. The complete source code for these samples is also provided so you can tailor these applications to your own project needs, or use them as a guide to create your own applications.

The sample applications/plug-ins that were built with SoundFrame are listed below:

  • Car Sim - a sample application that uses SoundFrame to simulate car engine physics.

  • SFTest - a sample application where all aspects of the sound engine can be tested, including events, environments, positioning, and game syncs.

Everything related to SoundFrame is contained in the AK::SoundFrame namespace. For more information on how to integrate SoundFrame into your pipeline, refer to the Wwise SDK documentation.

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