

Reference View

The Reference view displays all project elements that contain direct references to a particular object or element in your project. For example, you can find which Events or which SoundBanks contain references to a particular object. Just add one or more objects to the References to: field, then Wwise will automatically create a list of all project elements that contain direct references to these objects.

[Tip] Tip

Press Shift+F3 from most views in Wwise to have all the references of the current selection shown in the Reference View.

[Note] Note

Only the project elements that contain a direct reference to a particular object or element, and not their child objects, will be displayed in the Reference View.

It is possible to edit the properties of the objects in the list. You can choose which property or column to show by:

  • Right-clicking the list header and selecting Configure Columns; or
  • Clicking the View Settings button in the titlebar of the view.

[Tip] Tip

When multiple items are selected, modifying a property (slider, combo, or check box) will affect the whole selection and set the object's value to all other selected objects. However, when holding the Alt key and dragging a slider, the selected objects' values will be offset instead of being set to an absolute value.

[Tip] Tip

When the results of your search are displayed, you can select an entry to automatically load it into the Transport Control for immediate playback.

[Note] Note

When different types of objects appear in the list, it shows all the columns possible for those objects.

From the results list, you can click an object to display it in an already open view or double-click an object to open it into its corresponding view. You can also select one or more entries in the results list and then right-click to display the shortcut menu commands. Many of these, including Show in Multi Editor, Show in Schematic View, and Convert..., are common to a variety of objects. There are, however, a few specific to the search and query views:

[Tip] Tip

See Using Shortcut Menus for a description of common Wwise shortcut menu commands.

  • Refresh All Sizes: Refreshes all Preview Sizes in the results list.
  • Refresh Size: Refreshes only the Preview Sizes of the selected objects.
  • Remove From View: Removes the selected objects from the current search's results list.

Interface Element


Click the View Settings icon in the upper right corner of the view.

The Object Property Settings dialog box opens. Select the individual properties for every possible Wwise object type that you wish to display.


When selected, the currently loaded object is locked in the Reference View, and new objects will not be loaded, even when you have other objects in the Property Editor.

References to:

The name of the object(s) or project element(s) that are referenced by other elements in your project.

You can add an object or element to this field by using any of the following methods:

  • Right-clicking on the object(s) or element(s) and selecting Find all references from the menu.

  • Dragging the object(s) or element(s) from another view in Wwise.

  • Clicking the browse button and selecting the object(s) or element(s).

  • Selecting the object(s) or element(s) from the Project Explorer.

[Note] Note

If the selection of one or more objects from the Project Explorer doesn't dynamically and automatically update the object(s) for which references to will be provided, then it is either of two things, or both:

  • The object(s) currently chosen to find all project elements that contain direct references to them has been pinned. To rectify this, click the Pin button once more to unpin the object(s).

  • The user's interface workflow project preferences option "Inspect objects when selection changes", accessible by going to Project > User Preferences, or Shift-U, is toggled off (by default however, this option is on). To rectify this, toggle the option on.


Opens the Project Explorer - Browser where you can select an object or project element.

Updates the reference list.

The reference list is not updated automatically if changes are made to the project. You will need to update the reference list manually by clicking the Refresh button.

(Reference List)

Click the Configure Columns... shortcut (right-click) option from the column header band.

The Object Property Settings dialog box opens. Select the individual properties for every possible Wwise object type that you wish to display as a column.

Opens a search field where standard alphanumeric entries filter out unmatching elements from the view. Learn more in Using Tables.

Click the Close icon to the left of the search icon to close the search field and remove the filter.

[Note] Note

The searches do not include elements in collapsed nodes of the List View, Query Editor, MIDI Keymap Editor, and Reference View.

Common Columns: If the following properties are selected in the Object Property Settings, they are always present as columns in the results area. Other columns display according to which types of objects are listed in the Results area.


The name of the object or project element that matches your search criteria.


The location in the project hierarchy of the object or project element.


Defines the notes or comments specified for the object or project element.


The type of object or project element included in your results. For example: sound, bus, SoundBank, Query, Effect, and so on.

Controls the Mute and Solo states for the object and shows the implicit mute and solo states for the object.

Muting an object silences this object for the current monitoring session. Soloing an object silences all the other objects in the project except this one.

A bold M or S indicates that the Mute or Solo state has been explicitly set for the object. A non-bold M or S with faded color indicates that the object's Mute or Solo state was implicitly set from another object's state.

Muting an object implicitly mutes the descendant objects.

Soloing an object implicitly mutes the sibling objects and implicitly solos the descendant and ancestor objects.

[Tip] Tip

Hold the Ctrl key while clicking a solo button to exclusively solo the object for which the solo button is associated.

[Note] Note

Mute and Solo are designed to be used for monitoring purposes only and are not persisted in the project or stored in the SoundBanks.

Size Previews: All the Size Preview values are calculated when opening the view. They will, however, auto-refresh when there are fundamental changes, such as changing the platform.

[Note] Note

Any fields marked as "-" are either incalculable or inapplicable to the object in question.

Total Size

The sum of the element's Media Size and Structure Size, which approximates the total size that they will take up in a SoundBank.

Media Size

An approximation of the total size that a Wwise object's media files, including converted source files, Events, and Effects, will take up within a SoundBank.

[Note] Note

For Effects requiring a license, their size value is not included unless the appropriate license is entered.

The parent object will only display the size of the normally smaller audio buffer files if its media files are set to stream with Zero latency. No size displays for the parent object if its media files stream without Zero latency.

[Caution] Caution

There are many situations where the media size of an object has changed but the view is not updated. To ensure that all sizes are up to date, use the Refresh All Sizes shortcut menu option. To update one or several specific items, select them and use the Refresh Size shortcut menu option.

Object Size

An approximation of the size Wwise objects, excluding the size of sound files on disk, will take up within a SoundBank.

[Note] Note

Actions do not have any size. And objects that are only in the Init bank, such as Game Syncs, are not included.

Structure Size

An approximation of the size an object (Object Size) and its structural descendants will take up within a SoundBank.

Other Columns: Apart from the columns listed above, many object-type-specific properties can be added as columns. These will display according to your results.

Copies the search results to the Windows clipboard so you can paste them into another application.

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