

Randomizing the Position of Each Point Along a Path

To add realism and avoid repetition in your game, you can easily randomize the position of each point along each of your paths. To do so, you simply need to define a range of possible values for each point, in both the horizontal and vertical planes. At runtime, Wwise picks a random value from within these ranges to specify the actual position of the control point.

[Note] Note

The position of each control point in the graph view is measured as a percentage of the max distance value. Since the Random Range values modify the X, Y, and Z coordinates of these points, they are measured in the same units.

To randomize the position of each point along a path:

  1. In the Position Editor (3D User-defined), select a path from the path list.

  2. In the Random Range group box, specify a value for the following two properties:

    Horizontal - Acts as a +/- offset to the X and Y coordinate values of each point, creating a range of possible values. At runtime, Wwise chooses a value from within this range to define the horizontal position of the control point.

    Vertical - Acts as a +/- offset to the Z coordinate value of each point, creating a range of possible values. At runtime, Wwise chooses a value from within this range to define the vertical position of the control point.

    [Note] Note

    The default vertical position (Z value) of each point is 0.

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