

Project Management Tips and Best Practices

You may want to review the following sections, which provide you with a series of tips and best practices that can help you better manage your project.

Using the Integrity Report

It is a good idea to generate an Integrity Report regularly to handle any project issues, but particularly in the following situations:

  • Before generating SoundBanks - Allows you to address project issues before packaging your audio and motion into a SoundBank.

  • Before checking in major changes to a Work Unit - Allows you to ensure that your changes have not created project issues.

Using Default Settings

You can use your default settings to “multi-edit” the default routing and volume for your project. When you change any of these values, any objects added subsequent to the change will have the new default values. So you can have different default values based on objects added after any change that you make to these settings.

Defining Obstruction and Occlusion Curves

It is a good practice to always define your curves in a linear fashion to minimize CPU and memory usage in your project. Keep your curves as simple as possible to begin with and customize only as needed.

Dividing Large Projects into Work Units

If you are several people working on a large project, you may want to divide up your project into smaller pieces, using Work Units. Work Units are distinct XML files that contain information related to a particular section or element within your project. These Work Units can help you organize and manage the different elements within a project. If you are working as part of a team, these Work Units can also be managed by your source control system to make it easier for the different members of your team to work on the project concurrently. After your project is divided into Work Units, you can unload some of these Work Units, keeping only those that you are working on. The main reason for unloading Work Units from a project is to speed up project load times, reduce memory usage, and improve overall performance in Wwise. If your project is very large, you can improve performance significantly by unloading one or more Work Units.

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