


One of the biggest challenges for game developers is to create an extraordinary gaming experience while respecting the limitations of the various platforms. In Wwise, there are many ways to tailor your game audio and motion to the various platforms. You can, however, take it one step further by using the Profiler layout to test how your audio and motion performs on each platform.

The Profiler layout allows you to profile specific aspects of your game at any point in the production process on any platform. You can profile locally in Wwise or you can profile by connecting to a remote game console. Both methods capture profiling information directly from the sound engine. By monitoring the activities of the sound engine, you can detect and troubleshoot specific problems related to memory, voices, streaming, Effects, and so on. You can also use the Game Simulator and Soundcaster to profile prototypes even before they have been integrated into your game.

Profiling Locally

Before your audio and motion are integrated into your game, you can profile any aspect of your Wwise project by triggering Events, sound and motion objects, and Game Sync changes in the Soundcaster.

To profile locally:

  1. Switch to the Profiler layout.

  2. Populate the Soundcaster with Events, objects, and busses.

  3. Click Start Capture.

  4. Trigger Events, objects, or Game Sync changes in the Soundcaster.

    Information from the sound engine is captured and displayed in the different views of the Profiler.

Profiling in Game

After your audio and motion are integrated into the game, you can connect Wwise to the game and then profile in real time as the game is being played. Once connected to the game, you can also tweak and mix the relative properties of your objects in real time in game.

[Caution] Caution

When profiling, it is not possible to use the Release build configuration, and the Debug build configuration of the Wwise sound engine has not been optimized. Therefore, we suggest to avoid using the Debug build of Wwise even when running the Debug build of your game. It is recommended that you connect only to the Profile build configuration of the Wwise sound engine for profiling.

To profile a game:

  1. Start your game.

  2. Switch to the Profiler layout.

  3. Use the Remote Connection feature to connect to the game.

  4. Click Start Capture.

  5. Start playing your game.

    Information from the sound engine is captured and displayed in the different views of the Profiler.

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