

Measuring the Loudness in Wwise

To monitor the loudness on the Master Audio Bus:

  1. Open one of four Loudness Meter views, using menu: Views > Loudness Meter > Loudness Meter - Sync Group 1...4.

  2. Click [...] and select the Master Audio Bus.

  3. Click Capture to start calculating the Integrated loudness.

To capture the loudness level

  1. Open the Loudness Meter view.

  2. In the title bar of the view, select a sync group from the sync group selection icon.

  3. Select a bus to measure the loudness by clicking the selector [...].

  4. On the Wwise Toolbar, click Capture.
    Note: Do not click Capture in the Loudness Meter View.

  5. Open the Performance Monitor (or press F6 for the profiler layout, or Shift-N)

  6. On the Performance Monitor toolbar, click the view settings icon.

  7. Enable one or many of the loudness values available in the list, corresponding to the sync group you selected first (for example, Momentary Loudness Level - Sync Group 1)

  8. Click OK.

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