

Interactive Music Transitions Tips & Best Practices

Interactive music is a complex tool with many options. Adopting a coherent strategy towards interactive music at the beginning of a project can save you time and effort later on. Of course, there are multiple ways to approach any interactive music project, and you can use Wwise in any way you see fit to create the best results for your game. The following are suggestions for how you can better manage your interactive music transitions.

Ordering Transitions

When a transition is required, Wwise scans the Transition Matrix from bottom to top to find a transition rule that matches the current situation. It will stop as soon as it finds a transition that fits, whether or not this is the best transition to apply. To make sure your transitions are applied optimally, arrange the rules you have defined in the Transition Matrix in descending order, from general to specific, as in the following example.

Transitions with Any or Nothing as their source or destination should appear higher on the list than those naming specific music objects. If you do this, Wwise will encounter the specific rules you have defined before any general ones. For more information on creating and arranging transitions, refer to Adding Transitions.

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