

Excluding Project Elements from a Platform

When you are developing your audio and motion, you need to keep in mind the memory requirements for the game and for the game platform. You also need to consider which platforms can adequately handle certain assets. To optimize each platform you may need to include or exclude certain objects. When you have excluded an object, that object is not included in the SoundBanks that are generated for that platform.

You can decide to include or exclude a specific object, folder, Event Action, or language from a platform using the inclusion check boxes found in many different Wwise views, including the following:

  • Project Explorer (untitled check boxes to the left of objects, Effects, Audio Devices, and the Virtual Folders and Work Units that contain them)

  • Property Editor (untitled check boxes to the left of the item icons)

  • Contents Editor (the Inc. "Language" check box, where "Language" corresponds to any of the languages in your project)

  • Event Editor (Inclusion)

  • List View (Inclusion)

  • Multi Editor (Inclusion)

  • Query Editor (Inclusion)

After you have decided which objects to include or exclude, you can audition your platform-specific audio or motion in the Transport Control. You can also use the Soundcaster and the Game Profiler to help decide which objects to include or exclude in a platform. For more information about profiling and simulations, refer to the following sections:

To exclude a project element in a Wwise view:

  1. In any of the ­Wwise views where items have an Inclusion check box, clear the Inclusion check box directly or use the shortcut menu's Inclusion > Exclude Selection option.

    The project element is no longer included in the current platform.

[Tip] Tip

You can select multiple elements at the same time to include or exclude elements in one step.

To exclude project elements from all platforms:

  1. Ensure that the project elements to exclude are linked by verifying that the link indicator is gray.

    • If the link indicator is orange, then select Inclusion > Link.
    • If the link indicator is orange on top, then change the selected platform to find the ones that are unlinked (fully orange) and change them all to linked.
    [Tip] Tip

    See more about the link indicator in Linking/Unlinking Property Values.

  2. Follow the same one-step as the To exclude a project element in a Wwise view: list.

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