

Determining How Animation Paths are Played Back

After creating your paths, you must decide how they will be played back. Like containers, you can decide to play back the paths that you have created randomly or following the order specified in the path list. You can also decide to play all paths one after the other or only one path each time the object is played.

To determine how animation paths are played back:

  1. In the Position Editor (3D User-defined), select one of the following options as the play type:

    Sequence to play the paths in a sequential order from the start of the list to the end.

    Random to play the paths in a random order until all paths have been played.

  2. In the Play Mode group box, select one of the following options:

    • Continuous to play the paths one after the other until all paths have been played.

    • Step to play a single path from the list each time the object is played.

  3. If you selected Continuous, the Loop and Transition time options become available.

    To play the entire animation path list indefinitely, select the Loop option.

    To add a linear transition between the end of one path and the start of another, select the Transition time option and then specify the amount of time for the transition in the corresponding text box.

  4. If you selected Step, the Pick new path when sound starts option becomes available.

    Select the Pick new path when sound starts option to force Wwise to use a new path each time a new sound is played regardless of whether the sound is triggered by a play event. This option is particularly useful when you want a different path to be used for each sound within a continuous container.

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