

Converting Attenuation ShareSets into Custom Instances

Attenuation instances in Wwise fall into two categories:

  • Custom attenuation instances can be applied to any one object in the hierarchy. When you change the properties of a custom instance, only this object is affected.

  • Attenuation ShareSets can be applied to many objects in your project hierarchy. When you change the properties of a ShareSet, all the objects using the ShareSet are affected.

By default, all attenuation instances you create begin as ShareSets. However, if you prefer, you can convert an Attenuation ShareSet into a custom attenuation instance. After the change is made, all modifications to the attenuation instance will apply only to the object that subscribes to it.

To apply an attenuation instance to an object:

  1. Load an object into the Property Editor.

  2. Switch to the Positioning tab.

  3. From the Mode list, select one of the following options:

    • Use ShareSets to apply the ShareSet to the current object.

    • Define custom to apply a custom attenuation instance to the current object.

      [Note] Note

      To edit the attenuation properties, click the Edit button.

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