

Terminate the Different Modules of the Sound Engine


Once your game is ready to exit and does not require audio anymore, it's time to terminate all the modules that were initialized earlier. Our sample program uses the following function to regroup all of the termination code:

void TermSoundEngine()
    ... Termination will be done here ...

Termination will be done in the reverse order compared to initialization.

Terminating Communication Module

If it has been initialized, let's start by terminating the communication module:

void TermSoundEngine()
    // Terminate Communication Services
#endif // AK_OPTIMIZED

Caution: It is important to terminate the communication modules before the other modules.

Terminating the Music Engine

If it has been initialized, the music engine should be terminated before the sound engine.

void TermSoundEngine()
    // Terminate the music engine

Terminating the Sound Engine

Then move on to the sound engine itself:

void TermSoundEngine()
    // Terminate the sound engine

Terminating the Streaming Manager

Next we terminate the Streaming Manager and Low-Level I/O:

void TermSoundEngine()
    // Terminate the streaming device and streaming manager
    // CAkFilePackageLowLevelIOBlocking::Term() destroys its associated streaming device 
    // that lives in the Stream Manager, and unregisters itself as the File Location Resolver.
    if ( AK::IAkStreamMgr::Get() )

Terminating the Memory Manager

Finally, now that all the clients of the Memory Manager have been terminated, it's time for the Memory Manager itself to go as well:

void TermSoundEngine()
    // Terminate the Memory Manager

Everything related to the sound engine has now been cleaned-up, and we are ready to exit the program. Next, you should move on to Integrate Wwise Elements into Your Game.

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