

Using Crossfading

To use crossfades in a Blend Container, you first need to enable them. Then, you can adjust the size of your blocks. When the Game Parameter reaches the point where the block meets the X axis, the object is heard. When you overlap these blocks, you create a crossfade.

Crossfades help organize the playback of objects within a Blend Container. Because all the objects in a Blend Container play at once and are heard or felt based on RTPC mappings, using crossfades creates room for smoother transitions between objects. For example, if you created an RTPC to represent the passage of time in your game, you could overlap crossfades for cricket sounds and bird sounds to represent dawn.

To use crossfading:

  1. In the Blend Track Editor, select the blend track to which you want to add crossfading.

    The blend track becomes active.

  2. Select the Crossfading option.

    The Game Parameter list becomes available.

  3. Select the Game Parameter on which you want to base crossfading in this blend track.

    Blocks are displayed for the objects in the blend track, with the X axis representing the Game Parameter.

    Each object in the blend track is represented as a colored block in the graph. The blocks are drawn in the same order as the objects are listed in the blend tracks column of the contents editor.

  4. Adjust block sizes and positions by selecting a block and dragging its edges left or right.

    The objects corresponding to the blocks are played as indicated by the X axis.

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