

Mapping Values in the RTPC Graph

After the Wwise property is assigned to a Game Parameter, you can begin to define their relationship in the Graph view. You map property values to Game Parameter values using control points. For example, if you want the volume of the sound to be at 0 dB when a car is traveling at 250 km/h, you would add a control point at the intersection of 250 km/h and 0 dB. The RTPC curve is created by interpolating between two control points.

The following RTPC graph shows how Game Parameter values, in this case “Speed”, can be mapped to the property values in Wwise, in this case “Volume”. The Speed values on the X axis are defined in game and the Volume values on the Y axis are controlled by you.

For information on zooming and panning the graph view, adding, moving, and deleting control points, changing the shape of the curve between points, using linear and dB scaling, and other general information about the Graph view, refer to Chapter 42, Getting to Know the Graph View.

[Note] Note

You can copy RTPC curves within and between objects in your project. For more information on copying RTPC curves, refer to Copying RTPC Curves.

To map values in the graph:

  1. In the Graph view, double-click anywhere on a curve to create a control point.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Drag the control point to the appropriate X and Y coordinates.

    • Type values directly in the X and Y Coordinates text boxes to specify an exact location for the control point.

  3. Continue to add points until the curve is representative of the relationship between the property and the Game Parameter.

[Tip] Tip

If you continue to hold the mouse button down after creating the control point, you can immediately drag a point to the appropriate location.

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